Primary Purpose of Reserve
Recreational & Ecological Linkages
Partly within Wāhi Tapu.
Natural valuesRiparian values. The Hukatai stream is within 42 (E1A1) - regenerating scrub and low forest.
Recreation valuesEvents.
Dog Exercise Area. Refer to Control of Dogs Bylaw.
Other valuesThis is not a Crown Derived Reserve.
Parking overflow.
One of few larger grassed areas which can accommodate events such as gypsy fairs and circuses.
Utilities (Critical): Sewer.
Utilities (Minor): Stormwater.
Outcomes soughtAppellation | Reserve Act Classification | Gazette notices |
Sec 110 Blk I Belmont SD | Recreation Reserve | New Zealand Gazette: 2003 p 75 |
Sec 112 Blk I Belmont SD | Recreation Reserve | New Zealand Gazette: 2003 p 75 |
Sec 113 Blk I Belmont SD | Recreation Reserve | New Zealand Gazette: 2003 p 75 |
Sec 114 Blk I Belmont SD | Recreation Reserve | New Zealand Gazette: 2003 p 75 |
Sec 108 Blk I Belmont SD | Recreation Reserve | New Zealand Gazette: 1985 p 4926 |
Information | Description |
Parcel Area (ha) | 3.22 |
District Plan Zones | Recreation |
Leases/Easements/Licences |
None. |
Scale | Community/Suburban |
Village | Elsdon, Kenepuru, Takapuwahia |
Ground Shaking | Yes |
Landslide Susceptibility | No |
Tsunami Evacuation Zone | Yes |
Liquefaction Zone | Yes |