Titahi Bay Beach Reserves


Titahi Bay

Primary Purpose of Reserve

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values

HIDB 353 Titahi Bay Machine Gun Post, constructed as part of WWII coastal defence network. Titahi Bay was a major defence area, partly due to the radio transmission station through which all overseas news was received.

Natural values

60  (E1A1).

Coastal scarps, native and exotic vegetation. Dunes; spinifex; multiple mouths of small streams.

Recreation values

Walking, beach access, beach activities, picnicking, sightseeing, surf-lifesaving.

Other values

Sec 159 Porirua DIST is a Crown Derived Reserve.

Utilities (Important): Water Supply, Sewer, Stormwater.

Use of reserve buildings.

Formed carparks.

Sculptures and carvings-There are four wooden pou (sculptures) along the Titahi Bay beach walkway. These were designed and crafted by carver Nathan Rei and were unveiled and blessed at a morning ceremony in February 2012. The design of the pou is based on the discovery of New Zealand by Maori and European explorers. The pou represent Kupe, Abel Tasman, James Cook and Te Rangihaeata and were carved by Nathan at his Onepoto boatshed on the shores of Porirua Harbour.

Mural - There is a mural on the wall of the surf life saving club which was part of the art boards created by the Art in Action exhibition at Pataka in January 2012. The mural celebrates 100 years of surf life saving in New Zealand.

Lot 1 DP 3737 was purchased for reserve.

Outcomes sought
  1. Integrate the management of Titahi Bay Beach with Arnold and South Beach Parks. Consolidate land parcels and classifications to facilitate practical management and enforcement, as opportunities arise.

  2. Manage the Windley Avenue carpark entrance as a separate zone within Titahi Bay Beach Reserve.

  3. Preserve the attractive character of the beach and its environs, in accordance with the findings and recommendations of the following detailed plans:

    Titahi Bay Beach Reserves Management Plan 2008,
    Titahi Bay Beach Landscape and Pathways Concept Plan 2010 and 2013 (in preparation). 

  4. Protect significant natural heritage values by restoring ecological integrity and natural amenity values, in accordance with the findings and recommendations of the following detailed plans:

    Titahi Bay Beach Restoration Plan 2011,
    Titahi Bay Beach Management Natural Systems Action Plan (summary) 2010. 

  5. Protect the dune ecosystem through the provision of access to the beach, in a way that controls impacts on the natural dune ecology. Favour soft engineering responses to coastal erosion. Monitor the spread of indigenous (but not local) plants such as; karo, karaka, pohutukawa, and muhlenbeckia australis. 

  6. Encourage casual community use of the reserve, through enabling community uses of buildings, and by retaining easy access pathways, parking and amenity open space.

  7. Prohibit cars from the beach in accordance with the vehicle-free area defined in the Regional Coastal Plan. Consider as appropriate a further reduction in the area available for cars and parking.

  8. Work with the community on issues including ecosystem restoration, stormwater management, beach erosion, safe use of recreation equipment and vehicles, and responsible beach behaviour.

  9. Continue to maintain a liquor ban, and prohibit dogs from any part of the reserve during summer daytime hours. Allow dogs on leash at other times. 

  10. Preserve the machine-gun post and restore by removing the cairn and providing more appropriate interpretation.

Windley Entrance Zone (A):

  1. Enable easy and safe enjoyment of the beach and reserves by providing off-beach car parking and pedestrian access to the beach.

  2. Provide amenity planting for shade and shelter, using plants which are unlikely to become invasive.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Sec 159 Porirua DIST Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette 1994 In 4438
Sec 400 Porirua DIST Local Purpose Reserve (Community Use) New Zealand Gazette 1994 In 4428
Lot 1 DP 3737 Fee Simple
Lot 12 DP 6709 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2010 p 2296
Lot 14 DP 6709 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2010 p 2296
Lot 15 DP 6709 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2010 p 2296
Lot 16 DP 6709 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2010 p 2296
Lot 17 DP 6709 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2010 p 2296
Lot 18 DP 6709 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2010 p 2296
Lot 20 DP 6709 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2010 p 2296
Pt Koangaaumu 7 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2010 p 2296
Beach Road, Unformed Legal Road Road Reserve

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 1.19
District Plan Zones Suburban and Open Space

Titahi Bay Surf Life Saving Club.

Scale City
Village Titahi Bay
Ground Shaking Yes
Landslide Susceptibility No
Tsunami Evacuation Zone Yes
Liquefaction Zone Yes