Whitby Walkways



Primary Purpose of Reserve
Recreational & Ecological Linkages

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values

Tapu Site (near Duck Creek).

Nautical knick-knacks.

Natural values

Commemoration Sakura plantings.

GWRC Key Native Ecosystem.

20 (E1A1) Native forest remnant (tawa, titoki and kanuka-dominated, with matai,hinau, totara and kahikitea also present). Pine plantation, other planted exotics, riparian areas along a tributary of Duck Creek and planted native podocarps. Stream contains giant kokopu.

7 (E1A1) Pockets of kanuka-mahoe-kahikatea-rewarewa remnant forest along the riparian margin south of Starboard Lane.

Recreation values

Walking, cycling, playing, kickabout, picnicking.

Amenity park.

Landscape appreciation.

Other values

This is a Crown Derived Reserve, excluding Lot 2 DP 60877, Lot 2 DP 62006, Lot 3 DP 54452, Lot 3 DP 62004, Lot 1 DP 54147 and Lot 1 DP 62004. Lot 401 DP 533205 vested as part of Reserves Agreement.

Connections – street-to-street and ecological.

Amenity landscape.

Utilities (Important): Water Supply, Sewer, Stormwater.

Outcomes sought
  1. Manage as two zones – Amenity Zone (A) - along the stream, and Natural Zone (B) – the hillside native/exotic vegetation mix.

  2. Protect the wahi tapu site to the west and north of Eclipse Lane. Consider any land disturbance in that part of the reserve as potentially affecting the wahi tapu. Protect historic nautical memorabilia within the reserve.

  3. Protect street-to-street, reserve-to-reserve, walkway network and ecological connections. Maintain connections to future Duck Creek Reserve.

Amenity Zone (A):

  1. Encourage casual recreation, landscape appreciation, childs play and fitness, by providing amenity open spaces, children's natural and built play spaces, and easily accessed shared pathways as part of the wider Whitby walkway network. Maintain amenity facilities within the reserve.

  2. Maintain the current balance of amenity planting and natural vegetation.  Protect amenity landscape, through management of structures and land disturbance. Protect the commemorative sakura cherry plantings.

Natural Zone (B):

  1. Protect the natural remnant forest and riparian areas, promoting healthy ecological functioning through animal and plant pest control and through natural regeneration. Undertake enrichment planting and additional riparian planting of native species as funding opportunities allow. Planting on the southern stream-bank should use species that enhance amenity. Ensure that land management does not introduce contaminants to the waterways.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Lot 1 DP 41849 Local Purpose Reserve (Plantation) New Zealand Gazette 1994 In 6563
Lot 250 DP 34182 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette 1994 In 6567
Lot 4 DP 48306 Local Purpose Reserve (Fitness Trail) New Zealand Gazette 2010 In 3373
Lot 5 DP 48306 Local Purpose Reserve (Fitness Trail) New Zealand Gazette 2010 In 3373
Lot 1 DP 48309 Local Purpose Reserve (Fitness Trail) New Zealand Gazette 2010 In 3373
Lot 2 DP 48308 Local Purpose Reserve (Fitness Trail) New Zealand Gazette 2010 In 3373
Lot 3 DP 48308 Local Purpose Reserve (Fitness Trail) New Zealand Gazette 2010 In 3373
Lot 4 DP 48307 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette 2010 In 3372
Lot 2 DP 60877 Local Purpose Reserve (Fitness Trail)
Lot 2 DP 62006 Scenic 'B' Reserve
Lot 3 DP 54452 Local Purpose Reserve (Fitness Trail)
Lot 3 DP 62004 Local Purpose Reserve (Fitness Trail)
Lot 1 DP 54147 Local Purpose Reserve (Fitness Trail)
Lot 1 DP 62004 Scenic 'B' Reserve
Lot 401 DP 533205 Local Purpose Reserve (Walkway) New Zealand Gazette: 2020-In2099
Lot 402 DP 544605 Local Purpose Reserve (Walkway) New Zealand Gazette 2021-In3313
Lot 304 DP 544605 Land Purpose (Stormwater Detention and Landscape Protection) New Zealand Gazette 2021-In3313

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 10.17
District Plan Zones Open Space

Electricity easement.

Scale Community/Suburban
Village Whitby
Ground Shaking No
Landslide Susceptibility No
Tsunami Evacuation Zone No
Liquefaction Zone No