Wi Neera Esplanade Reserve


Porirua City Centre

Primary Purpose of Reserve
Recreational & Ecological Linkages

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values


Natural values

Landscape value, highly visible open space in harbour context.

Recreation values

Walking - part of City main recreational pathway network.

Relaxing, waka launching, picnicking, children's play, sightseeing, commercial recreation (mini-golf).

Other values

Pt Lot 4 DP 42235 is a Crown Derived Reserve. 

Subject to 1980 Watercourse Agreement with Greater Wellington Regional Council.

Part of harbour context.

Use of reserve buildings.

Utilities (Minor): Stormwater.

Outcomes sought
  1. Protect and celebrate the inherently coastal nature of the reserve, and the context of Porirua Harbour.

  2. Integrate coastal erosion management with harbour management. Ensure that erosion controls and amenity planting, are designed and undertaken in a manner that protects the natural character of the area and is sympathetic to waterway restoration for fish habitat.

  3. Protect cultural historic values through careful consideration and management of activities involving land disturbance.

  4. Retain coastal open space, and safeguard significant visual connections to coastal marine landscapes.

  5. Improve amenity values through facility provision that encourages walking and landscape appreciation, directs car parking away from grassed area, and enhances access linkages from shopping and education precincts to the coast.

  6. Continue to provide a mix of recreation opportunities that are focused on the coastal environment and access to the sea, including provision of opportunities for organised water sports, along with children's play spaces, and informal recreation.

  7. Structures that do not require a coastal setting are considered inappropriate.

  8. Allow for the continued occupation of community buildings within the local purpose (community) reserve.

  9. Allow Greater Wellington Regional Council to access and maintain watercourses for the purposes of flood hazard management.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Lot 1 DP 73610 Local Purpose Reserve (Community Use) New Zealand Gazette: 1992 p 970 v2
Lot 1 DP 77699 Local Purpose Reserve (Esplanade) New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594
Pt Lot 4 DP 42235 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 1992 p 970 v2

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 3.10
District Plan Zones Recreation

Adventure Golf Limited (Pirates Cove). Te Runanga Waka Shelter. Trust Porirua Brass Band.

Scale City
Village Elsdon, Kenepuru, Takapuwahia
Ground Shaking Yes
Landslide Susceptibility No
Tsunami Evacuation Zone Yes
Liquefaction Zone Yes