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Christmas Day gathering planned at Te Rauparaha Arena

Christmas tree generic

Many people are finding things tough this year and facing the upcoming festive season can make it tougher.

You may not know that every Christmas Day, Te Rauparaha Arena hosts a gathering for people who may not have anywhere else to celebrate. This is a non-religious, fun event for all ages, with volunteers manning it and all food donated.

If you or someone you know is going to miss out or be on their own, then the answer could be at the Arena. There will be a lovely lunch and entertainment.

PLEASE NOTE: While we haven't locked down the exact time the event will run yet (to be advised soon), you do need to be registered to attend as the building is not open to the general public on 25 December.

Please PM us via the Te Rauparaha Arena Facebook page or call 04 237 1521 to register, or if you'd like to volunteer as well.

7 Dec 2022