The re-planted shrubs at the front of the new Plimmerton park are a hardy lot.
A number of threatened coastal shrubs have been given a second chance at life on the edge of a new Plimmerton park.
The park, off Steyne Ave, was created with the strategic purchase of two properties in 2012.
Before the buildings were taken from the site about six months ago, members of Porirua City’s Parks team removed about 40 remuremu (Selliera radicans) and glasswort (Sarcocornia quinqueflora) plants and took them to the Council nursery to be propagated.
Porirua City Parks Manager Olivia Dovey said this was carried out successfully and it was great to see the plants now back where they originated from.
“They’re coastal species, so we wanted them back where they belonged,” she said.
“It would have been easy to ignore them as the demolition on the buildings occurred, but we’ve made an effort to be sustainable and protect them.”
The shrubs will face plenty of bad weather in the spot they’ve been planted, but Ms Dovey said they are hardy and will flourish.
The area where the buildings were has been re-laid with grass and it will re-open as a seaside park.
We will be working with the Plimmerton Residents Association to find a great name for the new park.
All up, some 27,000 trees and plants were put in the ground around Porirua by the Parks team this winter. This is part of our revegetation project, general garden maintenance and continued amenity planting around the city.
10 Oct 2018