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Committee wrap - 16 November 2023


Council’s Te Puna Kōrero Committee is the main committee responsible for implementing the city’s strategic direction and framework. It usually meets fortnightly.

There was a full agenda this morning, with the committee receiving the deliberations report on the Class 4 Gaming Machines and TAB Venues Policy review, road stopping information, a major projects update report, the latest finance report and the Long-term Plan starting position.

First on the agenda, the committee agreed on their starting position for the upcoming Long-term Plan (LTP), which is due to be updated next year. The purpose of this paper was for Council to agree a rates starting point for consultation with the community ahead of the LTP. There was much discussion about this paper, which will see some big financial decisions made next year. More can be read about it here.

Next, the committee looked at feedback from the consultation on the Class 4 Gaming Machines and TAB Venues Policy review before discussing the recommendations. The committee agreed to implement a comprehensive sinking lid approach to gaming machines in the city, including removing the ability for venues to relocate and merge machines.

The committee decided against including an ethical commitment to not receive funding from the proceeds of pokie machines. Funding received from these proceeds in Porirua go towards running Te Pahi (the community school bus) and events such as Waitangi Day, Porirua Sports Awards, Love Local, and Matariki. Read the full article here.

The committee then agreed to proceed with road stoppings at Steyne Ave, Mana Esplanade and on a part of Paekākāriki Hill Rd.

Next on the agenda the committee received a summary of Council’s financial performance in the year to 30 September 2023, before hearing an update on Council’s major projects.

There were no speakers in the public forum.

You can read the agenda and full reports online or watch the livestream of the meeting here:

On the meetings page of our website you can also see what meetings are coming up, with agendas posted a few days before each meeting. The public is welcome to attend most meetings and they are also livestreamed.

16 Nov 2023