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Committee wrap - 2 May 2024


Te Puna Kōrero Committee is the main committee that makes decisions about the city’s strategic direction and framework. It is made up of the Mayor, all councillors and the Council Kaumātua.

First on the agenda this morning, the committee was presented a summary of submissions following consultation on the proposed Alcohol Fees Bylaw, including hearing from those who chose to make oral submissions. There were 27 submissions received during the consultation period in March and April.

The committee will make a decision at its meeting on 23 May on whether or not to increase licensing fees so they are no longer subsidised by ratepayers.

Next they approved to publicly notify Greater Wellington Regional Council’s (GWRC) application to lease Council-owned land at Plimmerton Domain to create a permanent Park and Ride car park. GWRC wants to create additional permanent parking for train commuters at the former Big Mac Slabs site.

Finally, the committee agreed that an application be made to Toitu Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand for road stopping in Waitangirua to formalise legal boundary lines of a piece of land on Commerce Cres purchased by Council in 2015.

There were no speakers in the public forum.

You can read the agenda and full reports online or watch the livestream of the meeting here:

On the meetings page of our website you can also see what meetings are coming up, with agendas posted a few days before each meeting. The public is welcome to attend most meetings and they are also livestreamed.

2 May 2024