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Committee wrap - 5 October


Council’s Te Puna Kōrero Committee is the main committee responsible for implementing the city’s strategic direction and framework. It usually meets fortnightly.

There were two items on the agenda at this morning’s meeting on Porirua’s Growth Strategy and changes to the Transport Bylaw.

After confirming the minutes from the previous meeting, the committee discussed the Growth Strategy 2053 before adopting it.

This document follows on from the initial Growth Strategy that was created in 2018. The updated document is a ‘refresh’ of the initial strategy to prepare Council for the next phase of Porirua’s growth.

Porirua’s population is projected to grow by 20,000 people over the next 30 years, meaning about 10,000 more dwellings will need to be built. The Growth Strategy allows Council to put some guidance around how this growth happens, so it is well-managed and works for the natural environment and its people.

The strategy can be found in the agenda items of today’s meeting.

The committee then agreed to changes to Porirua’s Transport Bylaw to formalise the addition of no stopping areas on sections of different streets around the city.

There were no speakers in the public forum.

You can read the agenda and full reports online or watch the livestream of the meeting here:

On the meetings page of our website you can also see what meetings are coming up, with agendas posted a few days before each meeting. The public is welcome to attend most meetings and they are also livestreamed.

5 Oct 2023