Te Puna Kōrero is the main committee that makes decisions about the city’s strategic direction and framework. It is made up of the Mayor, all councillors and the Council Kaumātua.
Today’s Te Puna Kōrero meeting was the first one for 2025 and there was a lot to get through.
After confirming the minutes from their last meeting in November, the committee received submissions on the proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw, which Council consulted on from November 2024 to February 2025.
The purpose of the new bylaw is to create a better way for freedom camping to be managed across the city.
More than 100 submissions were received on this consultation, with around 20 submitters making an oral submission to the committee.
It was then time for submissions to be received on another proposed bylaw – the Keeping of Animals Bylaw 2025. The proposal is to strengthen the bylaw by putting in stronger provisions to prevent noise and mess nuisance by animals and clearer enforcement rules. Public consultation ran from December 2024 to February 2025.
Close to 140 submissions were received. Decisions on both these proposals will be made at a full Council meeting on 29 May.
Next on the agenda, the committee had their quarterly update on how major projects are tracking in Porirua, before receiving the latest finance report.
Missed today’s meeting? You can watch it in full and read all the associated papers on the meetings page of our website. You can also see what meetings and workshops are coming up, with agendas posted a few days before each one.
The public is welcome to attend most Council meetings and workshops. They are also livestreamed on our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@poriruacity
6 Mar 2025