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Committee wrap - 6 July

committee wrap pic

Council’s Te Puna Kōrero Committee is the main committee responsible for implementing the city’s strategic direction and framework. It usually meets fortnightly.

At this morning’s meeting, following the confirmation of minutes from the 22 June Te Puna Kōrero meeting, there were a number of speakers and items on the agenda for councillors and Mayor Anita Baker to discuss.

During public speaking time, the principal of Papakōwhai School, Mark Smith, talked about the traffic and parking issues on Spey Place, a cul-de-sac leading to one of the school’s three entrances.

In a report on the city’s Transport Bylaw, it was recommended to make particular parks down Spey Place ‘restricted parking areas’, as well as various other changes around the city. As there have been late submissions received on the bylaw changes, it was decided to withdraw the item from today’s agenda, and it will be considered at the next Te Puna Kōrero meeting on 17 August.

Three other speakers spoke to Council’s Speed Management Plan 2023-2030, which is recommending altered speeds on roads around the city. All up, Council received 98 formal submissions on the plan. These will be read and considered by the committee, and deliberations and decisions on the Speed Management Plan will take place at the next meeting.

The other item on the agenda today was an update on the Streamside Planting programme. Questions from councillors included the size of the planting area, pest control, and central government and Council funding.

Councillors and Mayor Baker congratulated project lead Nigel Clarke on the success of the programme to date, with thousands of trees planted by volunteers and with support from Ngāti Toa, Greater Wellington, schools, and community groups and volunteers.

To find out what meetings are coming up, visit Agendas are posted a few days before each meeting. The public are welcome to attend most meetings and they are also livestreamed.

6 Jul 2023