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Committee wrap - 7 September


Council’s Te Puna Kōrero Committee is the main committee responsible for implementing the city’s strategic direction and framework. It usually meets fortnightly.

At this morning’s meeting there were four items on the agenda concerning finance and project reports, transport bylaws and the Class 4 Gaming Machines Policy Review.

After confirming the minutes from the previous meeting, the committee received the Class 4 Gaming Machines Policy Review. After a discussion about the figures in the report, the committee agreed to consult with the public on bringing in a comprehensive sinking lid on pokie machines in Porirua, and the ethical question of whether to keep applying for grant funding from them.

Public consultation on this will begin on 8 September and the community will have until 8 October to provide their feedback, which can be emailed to: [email protected]

The committee then received its quarterly update on how Council’s major projects are tracking, including Transmission Gully’s Porirua link roads, Te Rā Nui Eastern Porirua Development, the central city wastewater storage upgrade, the development of a resource recovery network, and the Whitford Brown to Paremata corridor programme. The committee had the chance to ask questions and seek further information about the projects outlined in the update.

Elected members then received and had the chance to ask questions on a report covering the financial performance of Porirua City Council in the year to 30 June 2023.

Finally, the committee received a report on some additions to the city’s transport bylaws. They approved the recommendations, including making the Mana Esplanade service lane a one-way system, creating some time-restricted parking zones on Queens Ave in Plimmerton and Cobham Ct. The change of parking zone in Cobham Ct is to create a dedicated car park for Police to use.

There were no speakers in the public forum.

You can read the agenda and full reports here or watch the livestream of the meeting here:

On the meetings page of our website you can also see what meetings are coming up, with agendas posted a few days before each meeting. The public is welcome to attend most meetings and they are also livestreamed.

7 Sep 2023