An Emergency Assistance Centre was set up at Ngati Toa Domain as part of the exercise.
What would happen if a magnitude 8 earthquake hit the South Island's West Coast and some of the evacuees were heading for Porirua?
We activated our Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) yesterday to set up an Emergency Assistance Centre (EAC) at Ngati Toa Domain in a simulation for how we'd respond to this type of event.
Staff from all over Council temporarily swapped their usual roles to look after things such as intelligence, logistics, welfare and public information for the exercise, while supporting organisations and groups such as Red Cross, Te Runanga o Ngati Toa, and Wellington Region Emergency Management Office were also on-hand to play their role in responding to such an event.
In the afternoon, the EAC was all set up to receive about 20 evacuees from the West Coast - represented in this instance by a bunch of helium-filled balloons.
It was another well-run and successfully-executed exercise, showing that EOC activations aren't always for emergencies that affect Porirua.
Running exercises like this means the right people know how to respond when an emergency hits.
12 Sep 2023