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Council working with Kāinga Ora on Northern Growth Area

northern growth poster

We’ve been working in partnership with Kāinga Ora to assess whether the Porirua Northern Growth Area (NGA) should be recommended for establishment as a Specified Development Project (SDP). As part of the assessment, Kāinga Ora is inviting feedback on the proposed key features of the NGA as a potential SDP.

Last Thursday Kāinga Ora hosted the first of two drop in sessions, which was well attended. The second session is this Saturday 16 September at the Pukerua Bay RSA, 5 Wairaka Road, Pukerua Bay, 2-4pm.

The SDP is a new process, so Kāinga Ora has written some helpful Questions and Answers which can be found here -

An SDP is an urban development project with a defined area(s), stated project objectives, and a defined governance body (the three ‘key features’ of an SDP).

It’s a way for local and central government, mana whenua, private developers, and the community to efficiently plan and deliver on shared housing and urban development outcomes for an area. The process is designed so land use planning, infrastructure and funding arrangements are sorted upfront, and delivery of housing and urban development can get under way.

One of the frequently asked questions is ‘why is there not more detail?’ The answer is it’s early in the SDP process. The assessment is step one of a (potentially) eight-step process that needs to be followed under the Urban Development Act 2020.

At the moment, Kāinga Ora are seeking feedback from the public on the proposed key features they’re considering as part of the assessment process. The key features are necessarily high level. Specific aspects of urban development, like the locations for schools and parks, will only be considered in detail if the proposed project is established as an SDP.

If the Porirua Northern Growth area is established as an SDP, Kāinga Ora will work with their partners, stakeholders, landowners, and the community to create a draft Development Plan. There will be opportunities for communities to provide more detailed feedback on how housing, transport and urban development should be shaped and delivered in the area and a public submission process where people may be heard by an Independent Hearing Panel.

There are a number of ways you can provide feedback to Kāinga Ora, you can go to the Specified Development Project website (this is now working from mobile devices), come to Porirua City Council offices and request a feedback form, call Kāinga Ora on 0800 801 601 or email them on [email protected]

12 Sep 2023