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Council wrap - 25 July 2024


A meeting of the full Porirua City Council was held this morning, Thursday 25 July. Here is a wrap of what was covered:

Porirua Mayor Anita Baker provided an update of her activities since the last Council meeting, including attending the community planting day at Belmont Regional Park, the Whitby Bowling Club AGM, various events as part of Porirua’s Matariki celebrations, a Trust Porirua City Brass performance, the Kiritati Language Week flag raising and independence day celebrations, a citizenship ceremony, a bus tour of the Te Rā Nui Eastern Porirua Development work with Kāinga Ora, unveiling a new safety camera sign on Whitford Brown with the Transport Minister, the combined Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards and Civic Awards ceremony, a Porirua Pathways Ethnic Youth Hub event in Council Chambers, and a visit from the Chilean Ambassador.

She also voiced her support for Porirua-born Rory Mead, who will competing in the Paris 2024 Paralympics in the Para cycling competition, and acknowledged the sad passing of former All Black Norm Hewitt.

First on the agenda, recommendations from Te Puna Kōrero meetings held since the last full Council meeting were approved.

Following this, Council considered and decided to support seven of the eight remits which will be voted on at the Local Government New Zealand Annual General Meeting on 21 August.

In the public forum there were representatives from the Foundation for Equity and Research New Zealand, who spoke about the hidden disabilities sunflower scheme. The sunflower is a globally-recognised emblem for people to wear to subtly show that they have a hidden disability. They asked Porirua City Council to participate in the scheme by making sunflower lanyards available for the public and training staff to be more aware of assistance people with hidden disabilities may need.

You can watch the livestream of the meeting here:

On the meetings page of our website you can also see what meetings are coming up, with agendas posted a few days before each meeting. The public is welcome to attend most meetings and they are also livestreamed.

25 Jul 2024