A meeting of the full Porirua City Council was held this morning, Thursday 27 March. Here is a wrap of what was covered:
First up, minutes from the last Council meeting were confirmed.
Porirua Mayor Anita Baker then spoke about what she’d been doing since the previous full Council meeting, including attending Lunar New Year celebrations, two Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour clean up events, the Paremata-Plimmerton Rugby Football Club jersey reveal, watching Kilikiti/Samoan cricket at the Basin Reserve, attending the Porirua Little Theatre AGM, the Virtuoso Strings concert at Aotea College, Zonta awards, a Wellington Women’s Trust event, the Excellence in Foster Care Awards, community events held by the Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office (WREMO), a sister city football game with Blacktown, the Gear Homestead opening, citizenship ceremonies, the Pukerua Bay School gala, Mana Lions Classic Car Show, the Partners Porirua 2025 Porirua Young Employee Awards, the Bothamley Park reopening event, and the St Theresa’s School fair.
On the agenda today, Council received submissions on the Local Alcohol Policy review, including oral submissions, all from organisations. There were about 60 submissions made in total.
On 1 May, Te Puna Kōrero will receive analysis on the feedback and recommendations through the Deliberations Report, with the final policy scheduled for adoption by Council at its 20 May meeting.
Following this, Council received the quarterly Regulatory Report. This is a new report that provides a summary of activity within the policy, planning and regulatory teams at Council. It includes figures on building and resource consents, noise and dog complaints, and parking and vehicle infringements for the quarter.
This report will be presented to Te Puna Kōrero every three months.
In the workshop following the meeting, elected members looked at the Term of Parliament (Enabling 4-year Term) Legislation Amendment View and the Local Government New Zealand Local Electoral Reform Position Paper. There was also a presentation on the progress of Porirua City’s riparian planting programme.
Missed the meeting or workshop? You can watch them in full and read all the associated papers on the meetings page of our website. You can also see what meetings and workshops are coming up, with agendas posted a few days before each one.
The public is welcome to attend most Council meetings and workshops. They are also livestreamed on our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@poriruacity
27 Mar 2025