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Intersection changes to prepare for Transmission Gully

news - whitby intersection upgrade for TG

The intersection of James Cook Dr and Discovery Dr is being upgraded in preparation for the opening of Transmission Gully and the associated Whitby link road.

You’ll be able to share your thoughts on two proposed options during four weeks of consultation from 23 March to 17 April.

Based on preliminary assessments, there are two upgrade options for this Whitby intersection:

  • a roundabout (the preferred option),
  • a T intersection, with change of give way priority.

The goal is to future proof the intersection, so it can handle the expected traffic increases from Transmission Gully plus future development growth around Whitby. It will need to provide safe access for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians, while managing travel times effectively.

NZTA modelling estimates that 5000 vehicles will use the intersection daily once Transmission Gully opens, up from around 4500 vehicles currently. Porirua City Council modelling suggests that by 2031 this could rise to 6000.

The intersection is on an important busy arterial and public transport route. Just two non-injury crashes have been reported at or near the intersection in the past 10 years.

Using traffic lights was investigated and ruled out to avoid off-peak delays for all users and because they’re more expensive to construct and maintain than other intersection options.

You’ll be able to find out more or give feedback in these ways from 23 March:

  • Council – website public consultation page and Facebook
  • Public drop-in information sessions at North Porirua Baptist Church, Whitby, where Council transport staff will be on hand to discuss the options and answer questions:
  • Tuesday 24 March, 6.30–8pm
  • Thursday 26 March, 4.30–6pm
  • Wednesday 8 April, 4.30–6pm
  • Information flyers.

Following consultation, your feedback will be used to refine a final option. Council approval will then be sought to go ahead with construction.

19 Mar 2020