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We know how important it is to keep in touch. We publish news in lots of different ways. These are our official media releases and other news updates.

Leave space for our disabled community

Mayor Anita Baker-extend-base-768x402px

Mobility parking spaces make a big difference to the lives of the people who need them. Our Council manages 64 mobility parks in Porirua, 61 of which are free, and I know from discussions with the disability community how much these spaces help them access the services and shops they need.

Disability parks are clearly marked with signs and a disability symbol and are slightly larger than standard parking spaces. It’s important that these parks are left for those who display a mobility permit and where the permit holder needs to physically leave the vehicle. Using a park without a permit not only risks a soon-to-be $750 fine, but may deprive a person with a disability from being able to get where they need to go.

We recently upgraded our website to include a map showing the locations of mobility parks. You can see it at

If you need a mobility parking permit, please contact CCS Disability Action or Sommerville Disability Support Services. If you’re unsure whether you’re eligible, contact the CCS mobility parking hub on 0800 662 7275.

Many disabilities and chronic conditions may not be visible, which is why Council recently signed up to the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme.

Launched in the UK and being adopted around the world, the scheme provides people with hidden disabilities with wristbands or lanyards with sunflowers on them. Those sunflowers tell the rest of us that the wearer might need extra help, understanding, or just more time to get their shopping done.

We’re rolling out the scheme at our four biggest service sites: our Customer Service Centre at 16 Cobham Court, Te Rauparaha Arena, Pātaka and the City Centre Library. Staff will be given suitable training and have a small supply of sunflower lanyards available for customers who don’t have their own.

10 Sep 2024