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Menzshed coming to Porirua

News - Menzshed in Nelson

The Porirua Menzshed is a step closer to having a home in Porirua.

The City Delivery Committee today recommended that the Council approve a lease for the charity to use part of reserve land at the city’s nursery on Sievers Grove. 

Now the Porirua Menzshed will fundraise for the construction of the shed and access to it. 

City Delivery Committee Chair Anita Baker says that the establishment of a Menzshed will provide a useful hub for Porirua men. 

“Menzsheds have been established to improve the mental and physical health of men, primarily retirees. As well as providing a social centre for men to talk, use tools for projects and share DIY knowledge, they improve and initiate community connections.

“The Porirua Menzshed will be a welcome addition to Porirua’s diverse community – it fits well with our strategic priority of providing recreational, social and cultural opportunities for all ages through a great village and city experience. Porirua Menzshed is also keen to support nursery operations when needed, through activities such as painting fences and building planter boxes.” 

Clr Baker says the Council will approve the lease, with lease arrangements to be finalised in the next year once funding has been secured. 

Porirua Mayor Mike Tana says he completely supports this initiative. “This ticks a whole lot of boxes around how communities work. It’s fantastic!” 

Menzsheds will be responsible for the costs of connecting the shed to electricity, water and sewerage services, along with the ongoing operational costs. 

Menzsheds originated in Australia where there are over 1,000 sheds established and in New Zealand there are 115 sheds to date.

Photo: Menzshed Nelson, courtesy of Menzshed NZ

5 Oct 2017