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Planning for our growing city

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Porirua’s vision for the next 30 years is in place, as we plan and prepare for change in our fast-growing city.

The Growth Strategy 2048 was formally adopted by Council last night.

Mayor Mike Tana says this is an extremely exciting time for Porirua.

“The scale of change and growth we’re experiencing is greater than any we’ve seen over the 50 years since Porirua became a city, so we need to be ready,” he says.

“There is so much happening in our city, with the new Transmission Gully Motorway, the Government’s $1.5 billion investment in Eastern Porirua, the proposed Adventure Park, Kenepuru Landing residential development and more.

“We want to help shape an aspirational Porirua where the diverse needs of our community are met and our quality of living is high.

“That’s why we’ve developed this Growth Strategy – with your help.”

The strategy is a guiding framework for the city, to shape and influence ‘why’ and ‘where’ the city will physically develop over the next 30 years and beyond. It sits alongside the District Plan which will create rules for ‘how’ we change and ‘what’ this looks like.

Nic Etheridge, General Manager, Policy, Planning & Regulatory Services, says the strategy was developed with extensive community input.

“We talked with a wide variety of Porirua people, and we thank everyone who joined in these conversations and helped us understand what you’d like to see for yourself, whānau, friends and visitors over the next 30 years. “

There were a total of 132 formal submissions and 43 submitters spoke to Council at hearings in February.

“We heard the views of a range of people, including developers, students, large landowners, and individuals,” Ms Etheridge says.

“We were happy to get wide support for the six principles that are the basis of the Growth Strategy.”

The six principles are:

·         Tahi: a diverse and inclusive city

·         Rua: a harbour-centred city

·         Toru: a compact and liveable city

·         Wha: a connected and active city

·         Rima: a city of opportunities and prosperity

·         Ono: a resilient city.

“The strategy builds on the 2008 Porirua Development Framework, is aspirational, and reflects where we are today. Planning from here will build on the ideas shared in order to ensure smart planning is undertaken for our future.”

Work is now underway on an implementation plan, to put the strategy into action.

You can check out the growth strategy at

21 Mar 2019