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Porirua City Centre summit a success

Elyjana Roach, who spoke at the Summit, was also one of the facilitators.

Last week’s City Centre Summit brought together key business and community stakeholders to share ideas, look at opportunities and determine priorities for shaping the city’s future. 

Mayor Mike Tana says the summit, a first for Porirua, was driven by the Council’s City Centre Revitalisation Plan and builds on the work already underway. It was attended by a diverse range of people with a great spread of perspectives and ideas.

Guest speakers included local architect, Elyjana Roach, who gave insights on reorienting the city towards the harbour, and Invercargill’s inner city coordinator Kari Graber, who is helping transform Invercargill’s city centre. 

“It was an amazing buzz to have more than 150 of our city’s key stakeholders in the same room, working together toward a common vision,” says Mayor Tana.

“There were some key messages – things we know are big opportunities for our city, like the Adventure Park, and things we need to work on, like ensuring better connections with our city centre. 

“There was a strong commitment to embracing and celebrating our diverse cultural identity and using it as a point of difference. Participants highlighted that creating opportunities for businesses of all sizes to set up and grow was also vital to our success.” 

Mayor Tana said there’s a great sense of momentum in Porirua, and it’s picking up pace – with high-profile business sales, residential living coming to our city centre, government departments moving in, and other businesses starting up or moving to Porirua – and Turners is the latest. 

“We’ve also been working to enhance the city centre, create new public spaces, introduce residential living to the city and increase the diversity of businesses that set up here.”

Chris Wilkinson from First Retail Group, who facilitated the Summit, thanked everyone who took part. “The participation, engagement and enthusiasm from stakeholders exceeded all our expectations. Feedback during and after the Summit has been excellent – particularly around Council’s initiative in making this happen, and confidence in delivery,” he says.

10 May 2018