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We know how important it is to keep in touch. We publish news in lots of different ways. These are our official media releases and other news updates.

Spicer Landfill under Alert Level 3

news - spicer level 3 covid

Spicer Landfill will open to the public at 7am on Wednesday 29 April, the second day of Covid-19 Alert Level 3.

We expect that demand will be high, and capacity will be reduced because of the safety measures required in the Government’s Alert Level 3 guidelines, so patience will be needed.

As the only landfill in the region open under Level 3, we may have more customers than usual, but with physical distancing we’ll only be able to have half the usual numbers in the landfill at any time.

Customers should expect queues. We’d ask that you delay your visit if you can, and be patient and kind. Once other landfills reopen, things will be less busy.

Given the likely demand, we will be closing public entry at 4pm, allowing an hour for everyone in the queue at that time to get through before the site closes at 5pm. So you will need to be in the queue before 4pm.

We will have queue management, contactless payment (no cash) and contract tracing measures in place. You’ll need to provide your name and contact details.

Commercial vehicles will still be accessing the landfill and lanes need to be kept clear for those trucks, which include those collecting your kerbside rubbish and recycling.

We won’t be able to take cash and those without paywave will be asked to use the sanitiser provided to wipe down the eftpos terminal after using it.

To help limit numbers in the landfill please come alone, unless you have very heavy items that need two people to safely unload. Landfill staff are not able to help as they have to keep their distance.

As a reminder, kerbside rubbish collection is continuing as normal. Kerbside recycling collection is also continuing but with the sorting plant closed, mixed recycling is going to landfill at the moment. This is expected to change when we get to Alert Level 2. Glass is still being recycled.

Trash Palace and the bulk recycling centre will remain closed under Alert Level 3.

Thanks for your patience everyone.

24 Apr 2020