
Policies are our principles, rules and guidelines (we have our codes here too.) They cover all areas of our work from dogs to psychoactive substances and land development.

You can download copies of our policies, or come into our Customer Services Centre at 16 Cobham Court, Porirua, to pick up a printed copy.

On this page you will find:

Code of Development Standards

The operative subdivision and development standards are set out in the Code of Land Development and Subdivision Engineering 2010, which integrates with and complements the Operative Porirua District Plan.

Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy

Under section 131 of the Building Act 2004 all Territorial Local Authorities (TLA’s) are required to adopt a policy on its intended performance of statutory functions in relation to dangerous, affected and insanitary buildings and to review this policy at least every 5 years.

Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy 2020

Dog Control Policy

Our Dog Control policy became effective on 14 April 2021 after public consultation on a range of issues.  

Dog Control Policy 

We produce annual reports with statistics and other information showing how we’re performing our functions under the Dog Control Act 1996 and Dog Control Policy 2021.

Gaming Machines and TAB Venues Policy

Our policy for gaming machines and TAB venues comes under the Gambling Act 2003 and Racing Industry Act 2020 and controls the location of class 4 (non-casino gaming machines or pokies) gambling venues and stand-alone New Zealand Racing Board venues (formerly known as TAB venues).

The policy doesn’t cover any gaming machines or TAB venues licensed on or before 17 October 2001, unless the venue licence has not been held for the site for more than six months in this case the licence lapses. The policy also doesn’t cover casinos.

This policy is reviewed every three years. Our most recent review was concluded at the meeting of 30 November 2023 and the Class 4 Gaming Machines and TAB Venues Policy 2023 became operative from that date.

The Class 4 Gaming Machines and TAB Venues Policy 2023 applies a comprehensive sinking lid. This means:

  • Council will not consent for new Class 4 Gaming Machines and TAB Venues to be established (this was introduced in 2019),
  • Existing Class 4 Gaming Machines and TAB Venues will not be given consent to operate more gaming machines (this was introduced in 2019),
  • TAB Venues can only be established in the City Centre and Industrial areas as defined in the map included in the policy (this was introduced in 2023)
  • Existing Class 4 gambling venues cannot relocate or merge within Porirua City (this was introduced in 2023).

Class 4 Gambling and TAB Venues Policy 2023

For information on Class 4 and TAB Venues licensing and applications please contact [email protected]

Litter Infringement Policy

Our Litter Infringement Policy became effective on 11 December, 2019.   The purpose of the policy is to keep Porirua tidy and free from illegal dumping.  The policy enables Council officers to issue infringement notices between $100 and $400, depending on the type and amount of litter.  For more detail:

Litter Infringement Policy 2019

Local Alcohol Policy

In 2013, Porirua City Council agreed to develop a Local Alcohol Policy (LAP) under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Act).

A LAP is a policy on the licensing of premises for the sale and supply of alcohol and can have provisions such as how many and where licensed premises can be located and trading hours. The District Licensing Committee and ARLA must consider the policy when making decisions on licence applications or renewals.

A provisional LAP was adopted by the Council on 10 December 2014. Hearings and appeals followed and were managed over the next two years. The Council accepted changes to the PLAP on 25 May 2016 and it was resubmitted to ARLA.

The LAP was adopted by the decision of ARLA issued on 30 June 2017 and ceased to be provisional. The LAP provisions, other than those relating to trading hours and one-way restrictions, come into force on 26 October 2017. The provisions relating to trading hours and one-way restrictions come into force on 26 January 2018.

Local Alcohol Policy

Psychoactive Substances Policy

The Psychoactive Substances Act 2013 puts substantial controls around who can sell, supply and purchase approved products. Porirua City’s policy restricts retail premises selling psychoactive substances to an area including: Hagley Street (northern end), part of Cobham Court, and Kilkerran Place. 

Local Approved Products Policy

If you wish to import, research, sell or manufacture psychoactive substances, you need to apply for a licence from the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority

Rates Remission and Postponement Policy

This combined policy for cancelling and postponing rates under various circumstances and for different groups must be reviewed every six years. 

Check out our Rates Remission and Postponement Policy

Rating Policy

The Rating Policy sets out one comprehensive rating system that allows consistent and transparent application across the entire city. It is to be read in conjunction with the Revenue and Financing Policy, Rates Remission and Postponement Policy and Funding Impact Statement.

Read our Rating Policy

Revenue and Financing Policy

This policy sets out the criteria we use to allocate available funds to activity costs and is usually reviewed alongside the Long-term Plan every three years or an Annual Plan if needed. 

Revenue and Financing Policy

Significance and Engagement Policy

This policy sets out the criteria and process we follow to work out:

  • the significance of an issue or decision
  • how we will engage on decisions and other matters
  • which assets are strategic.

This policy was updated December 2023.  It will be reviewed again in three years' time.

Find out more about Porirua City’s Significance and Engagement Policy

Smokefree Outdoor Public Places Policy

Our Smokefree Outdoor Public Places Policy was adopted by Council on 26 June 2019. This policy extends the number of public places that are Smokefree and Vapefree in Porirua.  

The Policy seeks to denormalise smoking/vaping for children and young people by reducing its visibility in public places. It is an educative policy and will not be enforced by fines.

Smokefree Outdoor Public Places Policy

Street and Road Naming Policy and Process

Under Part 21 of the Local Government Act 1974 (which has not been repealed under the Local Government Act 2002) territorial authorities have the right to name or alter the name of any road.

The Street and Road Naming Policy and Process was introduced in 2006 and sets out a list of themes by suburb, as well as the process for naming and updating roads in the district. Note: this policy is currently under review.

Street and Road Naming Policy and Process

Tree and Vegetation Policy

Our policy provides a consistent approach to managing all of the trees and vegetation on council-owned land. Read about how we look after Porirua City’s green infrastructure.

Tree and Vegetation Policy (3.7MB pdf, 45 pages)