Building Facade Programme

How is your business looking? Is it time for a facelift?

Readers might not judge a book by its cover but customers certainly judge a business by its shop front.
If your Business Façade is looking a little worse for wear – perhaps the paint is flaking, plaster is falling off, or you have no signage – you may be missing out on customers. 

To help turn things around we can provide eligible businesses with a grant of up to $1500 through our Building Façade Programme.

You can check the criteria you need to fulfil in order to qualify for a grant.

The Porirua City Building Façade Programme is intended to improve the physical appearance of commercial businesses within Porirua City centre on the ground floor.

In order for businesses to be eligible to participate they must

  • Be located in the Porirua City centre on the ground floor and have a commercial use
  • Complete an online application
  • Submit written approval from the building owner if business owner does not own the building
  • Ensure that if the project is approved it can be completed within 6 months of the date of the project approval
  • Proposed work improves storefront and adds to more vibrant city centre

In order for your application to be reviewed please ensure that

  • Online Application is completed
  • If the property is not owned by the permitted commercial business, the application includes property owner’s written approval

Once your application is received we will provide notification to advise that we are reviewing it and if any information is missing we will request it from you.

Applications will be reviewed by our building façade review panel. If there are pending questions you may be asked to attend a meeting to discuss the proposed improvement further. Once all outstanding questions have been addressed, you will receive notification of approval and scheduling of façade improvements.

Note: Building façade improvements will be undertaken by businesses approved by the programme to ensure a quality outcome.

For questions or clarification please contact us 04‐237‐5089.

Inspiration and a funding injection

We have a limited number of $1500 grants available to Porirua City businesses to put towards painting, plastering, and signage. We also offer a $500 grant for design as part of this process.

Download the Application Form here

How can I get a grant?

If you are a business with fewer than 25 employees, based on a ground floor commercial property in Porirua City’s centre (Cobham Court, Hartham Place North, Hartham Place South, Serlby Place, Lydney Place South, Kilkerran Place or Hagley Street), you may be eligible to apply for a grant. 

It’s an easy process – simply apply online including details of what needs to be done. Our Building Façade Design Review Panel will then review the application and set up a meeting with you to discuss your proposal further. 

What can I use the grant for?

The grant covers signage, plastering and painting of storefronts. If business owners require more significant works such as improvements to windows, doors, or lighting they will need to organise these works independently and provide a quote to Council from an approved contractor. Once the work is completed, the applicant will be provided with the grant funding or provide it directly to the contractor.

If your grant is approved you’ll then have six months to complete the improvements. The Business Façade Design Review Panel will work with you to select the best contractor for the job – this is to ensure the highest quality outcome for your business (and Porirua City).


Download the Application Form here

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