You can pay your rates by direct debit, credit card, automatic payment, internet banking, eftpos or cash.
If you pay by direct debit, the correct amount you need to pay at each instalment is calculated for you.
Complete the form in the Rates Easy Pay form and send it to us at 16 Cobham Court, Porirua 5240.
Please note: write your surname in the Payer name section, your address in the Payer address section, and your rate account number in the Property ID section.
Our online portal makes it easy to pay your rates with your credit card, you will need your Account Number from your rates instalment notice to make a payment.
Click here to pay your rates by credit card.
Use your online bank account to set up PCC RATES as a bill payment option.
Make sure you include the account number from your rates notice with the payment details.
Please also ensure that the automatic payment is enough to meet the full amount of the instalment by the instalment due date, as any outstanding balance will incur a penalty.
Remember to update your automatic payment each year to adjust for any change to the amount of rates you’ll pay.
Use your online bank account to make a payment. Search for PORIRUA CITY COUNCIL – RATES as a new payee.
Remember to record the account number from your rates notice with your payment details. (You can also use the Property Search to find your account number.)
Pay at our Customer Services Centre at 16 Cobham Court, Porirua, or at any NZ Post Shop.
We can send your rates assessment and rates invoices by email (as pdf attachments). We won’t contact you at the email address you provide, except to send these documents.
Email your request to [email protected] with these details: