Performance Excellence Program

We participate in this program to help measure how well we work as an organisation and how well we compare with other councils in providing our service to the community.

Performance excellence reporting

The Local Government Performance Excellence Programme is managed by Price Waterhouse Cooper Australia and Local Government Professionals, Australia. The objective of the program is to provide councils in Australia and New Zealand with research findings, trends and meaningful comparisons on operational and management excellence.

Participating in this program allows the Council to:

  • Evaluate the Council’s practices in the area of workforce, operations and finance
  • Identify the areas of focus and monitor trends over time 
  • Understand how councils perform in comparison to other councils
  • Measure internal business processes
  • Better communicate with stakeholders

Porirua City Council joined this program in 2016 and this latest report is the second year of the Council’s participation.

The report is based on data collected from 134 councils across New South Wales, Western Australia and New Zealand.  There were 30 New Zealand councils participating. Porirua City Council, Wellington City Council and Masterton District were the only councils in the region participating.