Izzy Ford

Izzy Ford



My principal place of residence is not in the Eastern/Pāuatahanui ki te uunga mai o te ra Ward area. I am also standing for the Mayor-Porirua City Council.

I am proactive and will get the job done.

I've loved serving Porirua as a Councillor in the Eastern Ward over the past six years, and more recently as Deputy Mayor of the whole city.

I am still that mother of three looking to serve and future proof our city for the generations to come, with a focus on making key investments in infrastructure to protect a future Porirua whilst working on ways to keep rate increases at a minimum. Environmental and recreational spaces together with our Harbour continue to be important to me, as do providing opportunities for our youth.

I am the Chairperson for Rangikura Primary School a role I have held for 9 years, represent on the Wellington Rugby Board of Directors and a trustee for the Porirua Trust.

Please support me by putting 1 beside Ford on your ballot paper.

Contact: [email protected]