Ngā rongo kōrero | News

We know how important it is to keep in touch. We publish news in lots of different ways. These are our official media releases and other news updates.

News - Four rough Diggers in Liverpool Colour

Frontlines: From Porirua to Passchendaele

The exhibition at Pātaka Art + Museum discovers and remembers the local men who served at the Western Front from 1916–1918.

28 Sep 2017
News - Motuhara Road slip works

Earthquake and storm repairs ongoing

It’s been a challenging year around the city weather-wise. We’ve had 48 large slips to deal with since November 2016’s flooding and earthquakes.

28 Sep 2017
News - Dogs welcome in village centres

Dogs now welcome in village centres

Your dog can now join you outside your local café, following a rule change to allow dogs in village centres.

27 Sep 2017
News - Fresh new Porirua Farmers Market

Fresh new Farmers Market for Porirua

Get your taste buds ready for a fresh new Farmers Market coming to Porirua.

26 Sep 2017
News - Safe fish passage

Cannons Creek students help native fish in Bothamley Park

Cannons Creek students from Brandon Intermediate are helping young whitebait in Bothamley Park grow to maturity and flourish.

25 Sep 2017
News - Resource_Management_Act

Fast tracking the resource consent

Resource consents will no longer be needed for some activities in Porirua City, saving time and money for applicants by fast tracking the process.

22 Sep 2017