Noise complaints

You can report a problem using our 24/7 noise control response service. Call us on (04) 237 5089 for urgent noise issues.

Report noise complaints

Noise control officers will respond to complaints 24 hours, 7 days a week. 

Call us on (04) 237 5089  to make a noise complaint. 

Urgent noise complaints

  • Includes musical instruments, stereos and party noise, alarms, electrical appliances, power machines and people noise.
  • Does not include moving vehicles, aircraft or trains.

If there is anti-social behaviour the police should be called.

Non-urgent noise complaints

Commercial or industrial business operations. An Environmental Health Officer will assess these types of complaints. The District Plan outlines the allowed noise levels for each zone.

Construction noise can only be carried out between Monday-Saturday 7.30am-6pm in compliance with the New Zealand Standard NZS6803:1999.

No noisy construction work is to take place outside of these times, on Sundays or on public holidays. The Monitoring and Compliance team will assess these types of complaints.

Barking dogs are dealt with by the Animal Control Team.

Your responsibilities

  • Keep the noise at a reasonable level.
  • Avoid making noise at unreasonable times.
  • Be mindful at all times of the impact of your noise on other people.
  • Let your neighbours know if you are going to have a party or carry out any significant amounts of noisy work.

Resolving noise complaints

Noise Control officers will respond to the address concerned and decide if the noise is reasonable or excessive by considering things such as volume, time, tone and duration.

If the noise is deemed to be excessive a Noise Control officer may serve a written direction to reduce noise. This is in force for up to 72 hours. Failure to obey the notice can result in equipment seizure or a fine of up to $10,000.

Ongoing complaints may result in Council issuing a permanent Abatement Notice that is a blanket prohibition on the emission of noise from the property.

Excessive noise is managed under the Resource Management Act 1991.

Reclaiming impounded stereos and other equipment

Seized equipment can be reclaimed when the Council is satisfied that returning it will not lead to more excessive noise.  To reclaim your property you must bring with you to an appointment with us a completed application for  Return of Impounded Property Form , provide proof of identity, proof of address, the 328 notice that was served when the equipment was seized, and pay the cost incurred when the equipment was removed. Seized equipment that is not reclaimed after six months will be disposed of by council.