Healthy harbour

Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour is our greatest environmental taonga and we are working hard to protect it.

We want a harbour that is the centrepiece of our community culturally, recreationally and environmentally, and is:

  • a clean and natural habitat
  • a safe and beautiful recreational environment
  • supported by a robust ecological restoration programme
  • treasured by the community, businesses and visitors
  • supported by infrastructure that has minimal negative effects on the harbour and catchment.

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Performance indicators

We are working hard to make sure our harbour and its catchment are healthy and protected. As well as having a nationally significant wildlife area, our harbour has cultural, recreational and economic (transport) values. We promote the sustainable use, protection and restoration of our harbour and surrounding catchment, facilitate research, and promote education.

Our performance indicators for this priority are:

  • reduced sedimentation, as measured by an underwater survey every five years
  • more cockles in Pāuatahanui Inlet.