Playground upgrades

We aim to create play spaces that are accessible, fun, varied and cater for a wide range of abilities. Our goal is to design interesting play spaces that meet the needs of both children and their caregivers.

Playground upgrade news

We are committed to improving the accessibility of our play spaces for the whole community by having connecting paths to each site.

Playground upgrades and renewals are driven by the condition of the equipment.  Sometimes the equipment can look perfectly fine but in reality be close to the end of its life.  The inspections we do of the equipment is quite in-depth, so while the equipment may look perfectly fine, underneath the paint and coverings is where the true condition is measured.

Makora Grove playground, Paremata


In July we shared our plans to make improvements to the Makora Grove Playground in Paremata. This included a proposal to remove the playground in the lower reserve, and create a new playspace at street level in the upper reserve in Makora Grove to be accessible to more of the community. Currently the playground is difficult to access down the steep concrete driveway and is not very visible from the street.

You played your part and completed the Makora Grove survey; we asked questions about how the reserve is used, so we can understand more about the needs and wants of your community. You shared what you love about the space, and what would like at the new playspace.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us via the survey - we are taking that information and using our expertise to inform what will happen with the renewal of the space.

Keep an eye out for updates on the Council Facebook page and we have given information to Paremata Residents Association as well.

The budget for the renewal is about $150,000 and includes the design and construction works. It is hoped the project will be completed by late summer/early autumn 2024, although this is dependent on material supply and weather.


Have your say on play, Makora Grove, Paremata

Plans are underway to make improvements to the Makora Grove Playground in Paremata.

We are proposing to remove the playground in the lower reserve and create a safer new playspace at street level in the upper reserve in Makora Grove.

Why are we doing this?

The main driver is to create a safer playspace that is accessible to more of the community. Currently the playground is difficult to access down the steep concrete driveway and is not easily visible from the street.

Based on CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) principles, the playground at street level will have a greater level of natural surveillance, so will be safer for the community than isolated in the lower reserve.

How can you participate?

We are keen to learn more about how the reserve is currently used and who uses it. It would be great if you shared with us how and when you use the Makora Grove playground and tennis/basketball court, what you love about the space and what you would like at the new playspace. The result of this information being gathered, combined with our playspace expertise, will inform the design of the new space.

You can share your thoughts via a number of channels including:

  • Participating in the online survey here
  • Tamariki are encouraged to share their ideas too! They can draw us a picture or download a printable sheet here to answer the questions and draw a picture of their ideas. These can be hand-delivered to the mailbox at Makora Grove Reserve or emailed in to [email protected]
  • Come chat with us at the playground on:
    • Saturday 1 July 2023 between 10am – 12pm or
    • Monday 17 July 2023 between 2.30pm – 4pm
  • Email [email protected]
  • Phone us on 04 237 5089

The tamariki art on the fence at the upper reserve will stay. There will be no changes made to the tennis/basketball court and the space where the playground currently is will be reverted back to greenspace.

The budget for the renewal is approximately $150,000 and includes the design and construction works. It is hoped the project will be completed by late summer/early autumn 2024, although this is dependent on material supply and weather.


This playground upgrade has been deferred from the 2024/25 financial year, to be undertaken later.


In September we shared our plans to keep the playground at the lower level of the reserve. We advised the design of the playspace would be shared later in the year, with construction works expected to be completed by late summer/early autumn 2024. This would be dependent on material supply and weather.

We have had a change to our timeline with expected commencement of construction of the playground upgrade delayed until Spring 2024. We will share the design of the playspace closer to the time.

Keep an eye out for updates on the Council Facebook page.


In July we shared our plans to make improvements to the Makora Grove Playground in Paremata. This included a proposal to remove the playground in the lower reserve and create a new playspace at street level in the upper reserve in Makora Grove to be accessible to the more of the community.

You played your part, completing the survey and sharing your thoughts with members of our team at the drop-in sessions held at Makora Grove in July. We asked questions about how the reserve is used, so we can understand more about the needs and wants of your community. You shared what you love about the space, and what would like at the new playspace.

In your feedback it was clear the community liked the current playspace and weren’t keen to see the playground moved to the upper reserve. One of the key messages received was by moving the playground away from the lower reserve, it splits whānau and friends visiting the reserve. Makora Grove Reserve is unique in that it caters to a wide range of ages simultaneously, with the tennis/basketball court, green space and playground all located in the lower reserve.

As a result of this information being gathered, the decision has been made to keep the playground at the lower level of the reserve.

The design of the playspace will be shared later in the year. The construction works are expected to be completed 2024 / 2025. , although this is dependent on material supply and weather.

The budget for the renewal is $150,000 and includes the design and construction works. The tennis court, basketball hoop, driveway access and steps are outside of the project scope and will remain unchanged.

Keep an eye out for updates on the Council Facebook page, and we have given information to Paremata Residents Association as well.


Glengavel Playground, Papakōwhai

Glengavel full park


The renewal of this playground is complete. We thank you for your patience as this work was carried out.

For any queries phone 04 237 5089 or email [email protected]


Construction is 99% complete, with installation of a picnic table to be installed.

The playground is now open for use and we thank you for your patience while this work was carried out.

For any queries phone 04 237 5089 or email [email protected]

UPDATE 30 MAY, 2023

Construction will start at Glengavel Playground in June 2023 and is expected to be completed by the end of August. Weather could impact how long the works take.

During construction the playground area will be closed.

There’s a bit to do and we thank you for your patience as this work is carried out.

For any queries phone 04 237 5089 or email [email protected]

You can view the Concept Design Brief below.

Keep an eye out for updates on our Facebook page.

How did we get here?

In January 2023 you shared with us your thoughts about the proposed concept design. The final design is complete so construction can begin. The construction works are expected to start in June this year, although this is dependent on supply of products and services.

Plans are under way to renew the Glengavel playground on Glengavel Grove in Papakōwhai as the play equipment is coming to the end of its life.

Feedback on the proposed concept design is now closed (22 January 2023).

  • You can view the concept design brief here

Keep an eye out for updates on our Facebook page and through your residents' association.

The budget for the upgrade is approximately $100,000 and this includes design and construction works.

Lagden Park, Camborne


The renewal of this playground to replace the swing is complete and the new swing is being well utilised.

We thank you for your patience as this work was carried out.

For any queries phone 04 237 5089 or email [email protected].

UPDATE 30 MAY, 2023

Work has commenced at Lagden Park to replace the swing that was coming to the end of its life. The new swing is expected to be installed in August, 2023. Weather could impact how long the installation takes.

Just a reminder, there will be no changes made to the tennis/basketball court - the focus is on the grassy area where the swing set was.

We thank you for your patience as this work is carried out.

For any queries phone 04 237 5089 or email [email protected]

How did we get here?

In late 2022 you played your part and completed the Lagden Park survey; we asked questions about how the space is used, so we can understand more about the needs and wants of your community. You shared what you love about the space, and what you would change. We analysed the information you submitted via the online and paper surveys.

The swing set at Lagden Park on Lagden St is coming to the end of its life so we are making plans to replace it.

Thanks for playing your part and sharing your thoughts with us via the online and paper survey in October 2022. We are taking that information and using our playspace expertise to inform what will happen with the renewal of the space.

As Lagden Park is a much smaller area, we will be scheduling the work and ordering the play equipment very soon. The construction works are expected to be complete before the end of winter 2023, although this is dependent on the supply of products and services. The budget for this renewal including construction is about $40,000.

Just a reminder, there will be no changes made to the tennis/basketball court. The focus is on the grassy area where the swing set currently is.

Keep an eye out for updates on our Facebook page and through your residents' association.

Whitby Walkway Playground (Solander)



The renewal of this playground is complete. We thank you for your patience as this work was carried out.

For any queries phone 04 237 5089 or email [email protected]



The playground construction is well-advanced, with the basket swing, bespoke timber fort and large gum tree logs installed and open for the community to use.

There are some minor works and finishings to follow in the coming weeks – including removal of the last section of the old playground, and planting of oak tree saplings.

Weather and material supply issues held up the construction of this playground, and we thank you for your patience during this time.

For any queries phone 04 237 5089 or email [email protected]

UPDATE 30 MAY, 2023

Construction is underway!

The new playspace site works at Whitby Walkway playground have begun and will be done in phases due to product supply. Weather could impact how long the work takes too.

We will do our best to keep parts of the current playground open while the construction is underway.

Thanks for your patience as this work is carried out!

For any queries phone 04 237 5089 or email [email protected]

Concept design – ‘Wildwood Playspace’

The concept design proposed upgrading the Whitby Walkway playground to a ‘Wildwood Playspace’, which offers an opportunity for a return of free play. Basically, the existing playground explodes out into a wider area and uses existing landform to add play, value and interest.

For lots of reasons we have seen a lessening of free play in the last 15-20 years. Unstructured play with natural or repurposed objects is important for emotional, physical and social development. “Evidence suggests free play develops independence, fosters resilience, teaches children about risk management, fosters creativity and builds confidence.” ( Wildwood Playspace is a site that has a strong sense of place suited to creation of a free play area for tamariki.

The concept design proposes three zones:

  • Woodland zone – Taking advantage of the dappled light from the established parkland canopy trees, the woodland zone aims to be a challenging/confidence/risk/reward low-level activity forest experience. A bespoke timber play fort fits with the woodland character.
  • Nature play – The enhanced nature play area is a place for discovery of the natural world and creative enviro play. This streamside space is already in use with well-worn paths through the undergrowth and fallen trees to cross the stream. Informal terrace seating set into the bank will overlook the space, creating educational opportunities and safe exploration. Traditional play equipment will be integrated into this space.
  • Open space – A large eagles claw basket swing sits beside the walkway along with informal seating and picnic tables overlooking the open field.

The Wildwood Playspace is part of an organic design process. The Concept Design Brief is now closed for feedback.

Click here to view the concept design brief.

The new playspace site works are expected to get underway in March 2023 and be complete before winter sets in. These timeframes are dependent on weather and product supply. We will do our best to keep the current playground open while the construction works are underway. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page for an update closer to the time construction is set to start.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the concept design. The final design is being made ready so construction can begin. The construction works are expected to start in summer of 2023 although this is dependent on supply of products and services.

In late 2021 you shared with us how and when you use the Whitby Walkway Playground (also known as Spinny Park and Solander Park), what you love about the space and what you would change. As a result of this information being gathered, combined with our playspace expertise, the draft concept design is now available for you to share your feedback on.

The playground equipment at Whitby Walkway Playground has reached the end of its life and needs replacing.

Aspects like what age range the playground should try to cater for and what activities tamariki would like to see incorporated are being investigated as part of the upgrade.

The budget for the renewal is $130,000 and includes the design and construction work. Overall, the upgrade will not be extensive and there is limited scope to increase the size of the playground's area. All of the equipment within the park will be replaced, including the rubbish bin and seating. The large green space that the playground shares will remain largely untouched.

A survey asked questions about how the space is used so we can understand more about how it interacts with the community - it closed on 12 December, 2021.

In your feedback it was clear that swings, slides and climbing activities are important to you. These activities will be provided through a combination of traditional play equipment and informal nature play activities, including a bespoke timber playfort!

One of the key messages we received was the emotional attachment to the spinny wheel. Unfortunately this will not be part of the upgrade, as these wheels have proven to be unsafe.

There was demand expressed for playground shade in summer, and this message was reinforced by feedback from the NZ Cancer Society. Additional seating was also a strong theme, which is aimed to be met through informal seating set overlooking the spaces, along with some picnic tables.