Tītahi Bay Reserve Management Plans Reviews

Have your say on the review of Tītahi Bay Reserve Management Plans

What's happened so far

A community safety audit was carried out at Tītahi Bay Beach in 2021, following concerns from residents regarding community safety and anti-social behaviour at Tītahi Bay Beach. The audit, involving community members, identified issues and solutions to safety concerns.

At the time of undertaking the community safety audit, Council was also carrying out a review of the Transport Bylaw, which included addressing the issue of cars on the beach. A collaborative approach was taken to allow the community to easily participate in both processes.

The Tītahi Bay Beach Master Planning Project will re-engage with the community following the community safety audit and Traffic Bylaw review and look at longer-term planning for Tītahi Bay Beach and its environs.

This Project aims to create a series of development plans for the Tītahi Bay Beach. This will include two Council reserves, namely Arnold Park and Tītahi Bay Beach Reserves. The outcomes of the master planning will be transferred to the LTP 2024-54 for implementation and funding.

Council is carrying out a comprehensive review of the reserve management plans (RMP) for Arnold Park and Titahi Bay Beach Reserves alongside the Titahi Bay Beach Master Planning Project. Reviewing the RMP in this way will enable any changes to the two Reserves as part of the Master Planning Project to be reflected in the RMP. It also ensures that consultation on the future development and management of Tītahi Bay Beach is carried out in a way that is joined up and makes sense to the community.

The current RMP for Arnold Park can be viewed here, and the current RMP for Titahi Bay Beach Reserves can be viewed here. The wider policy chapters of the RMP can also be viewed here.

The proposal and process

As part of the Tītahi Bay Beach Master Planning Project, Council proposes to carry out a comprehensive review of the reserve information, policy, and planned outcomes for the two Council reserves that are included in the Master Planning Project area – Arnold Park and Tītahi Bay Beach Reserves.

Under section 41 of the Reserves Act 1977, the first consultation step is for Council to advertise to the community that we intend to carry out a review of the RMP for Arnold Park and Tītahi Bay Beach Reserves and invite suggestions from anyone who wishes to comment.

We want to know what your aspirations are for the management of Arnold Park and Tītahi Bay Beach Reserves. This first idea-gathering step is really important to understand what the community wants, and your comments must be given full consideration in the preparation of draft reserve management plans.

This Statement of Proposal relates solely to that first consultation step. Once we have received your ideas, we will prepare draft management plans for both Arnold Park and Titahi Bay Beach Reserves, before bringing these back to the community for further consultation.

An indicative forward programme is attached as supporting information.

Key Dates

When What
28 February 2023 Submissions open
28 March 2023 Submissions close
20 April 2023 Submitters present to Te Puna Kōrero
July to October 2023 Draft Reserve Management Plans for Arnold Park and Tītahi Bay Beach Reserves out for
consultation for at least two months, followed by hearings, deliberations and
decision through Te Puna Kōrero
Late 2023 Reserve Management Plans for Arnold Park and Tītahi Bay Beach Reserves adopted

Want to know more?

If you have any questions, or would like a little more information, please contact: matt.hoffman@poriruacity.govt.nz

Have your say

You can find copies of this proposal at all Porirua City libraries, and at our front counter at Customer Services, Porirua City Council, 16 Cobham Court, Porirua 5022.

You can have your say in a number of ways:

  • By email to: matt.hoffman@poriruacity.govt.nz with “Titahi Bay Beach RMP Review Stage 1” in the subject line
  • By hand at:
    • our front counter at 16 Cobham Court, Porirua City
    • at any of our city libraries
  • By post to:
  • Titahi Bay Beach RMP Review Stage 1
    Porirua City Council
    PO Box 50218
    Porirua City 5240


The following documents are available in relation to this proposal:

Statement of Proposal [pdf, 997KB]