Ngā rongo kōrero | News

We know how important it is to keep in touch. We publish news in lots of different ways. These are our official media releases and other news updates.

Neon Night Walk

Neon Night Walk/Run receives Porirua City funding

A Neon Night Walk/Run has received $4000 in funding from Porirua City.

23 Aug 2018
Representation review

Māori names for Porirua’s electoral wards

Porirua City’s three electoral wards will include their Māori names.

23 Aug 2018
News - spoonful of sugar

Council supports sugar labelling on food and drink

Porirua City Council has supported a submission for labelling to clearly show the amount of added sugar present in our food and drink.

22 Aug 2018
Euan Macleod

Pātaka last stop for painters two-year exhibition

A collection capturing the romantic tradition of one man's battle with mother-nature are coming to Pātaka.

20 Aug 2018
Ocean of Eden

Exhibition inspired by environmental sustainability

A sumptuous collection of interactive artworks inspired by a desire to protect our fragile oceans is coming to Pātaka.

20 Aug 2018
Titahi Bat Road crossing.

Safety improvements for Awarua Street

Traffic calming measures on Awarua Street in Porirua are being fast-tracked after calls from the community for people to “slow down for our kids”.

16 Aug 2018