Ngā rongo kōrero | News

We know how important it is to keep in touch. We publish news in lots of different ways. These are our official media releases and other news updates.

Ole Football Academy

Projects targeting youth get initial funding nod

Two projects that will build self-esteem, relationships and strengthen families are in line for funding.

27 Apr 2018

Economic upsurge brings city centre forum

Following an economic upsurge, Mayor Mike Tana is inviting stakeholders to a four-hour summit next week to help shape the city's future.

27 Apr 2018
Channayah Bosworth at Porirua Library

Harry Potter top of the pile

Harry Potter’s child is leading a charmed life, rather than a cursed one, off the shelves of Porirua’s libraries.

26 Apr 2018
A concept drawing for 7 Serlby Place.

Business is booming in Porirua

There’s been a surge of business activity in Porirua City in recent months and it’s picking up pace.

26 Apr 2018
Nishio gardener at Porirua's Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden gets full treatment

Porirua’s Japanese Garden is in line for some authentic love and attention.

26 Apr 2018
Council - Porirua-City-Council.jpg

Porirua reviewing Council representation

The Council will be reviewing its representation arrangements in June and is calling for community feedback now before formulating any specific proposals.

24 Apr 2018