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Committee wrap - 21 September


Council’s Te Puna Kōrero Committee is the main committee responsible for implementing the city’s strategic direction and framework. It usually meets fortnightly.

There were two items on the agenda at this morning’s meeting covering decisions on the proposed Porirua Adventure Park and an update on road works around Kenepuru Dr.

After confirming the minutes from the previous meeting, the committee discussed and agreed unanimously to bring forward some budget from the 2024/25 financial year to the current one to enable road works mainly around Kenepuru Dr, including:

- The Raiha St/Kenepuru Dr roundabout

- Te Ara Tawa and Ferry Pl shared paths

- 3x Kenepuru Dr intersections

- Raiha-Prosser corridor.

The budget for this work had initially been pushed out due to delays from Waka Kotahi.

The committee then discussed the request from the Porirua Adventure Park Limited Partnership (PAPLP) for a $1.9 million investment from Council into phase one of the project, which would include a surf simulator and new mountain bike trails.

After discussing the risks and benefits, the committee voted unanimously to decline the request for $1.9 million from PAPLP, given Council’s current financial position, and the affordability challenges facing the Porirua community. Elected members spoke in support of the park, so long as it’s developed in a way that is not financially dependent on investment from Council. You can read more about the decision here.

There was one speaker in the public forum, seeking clarification from the committee on the proposal to reduce the speed limit along Titahi Bay Rd, the construction of the new memorial park at the Whitehouse Rd shops, the installation of parking meters in the CBD and other matters.

You can read the agenda and full reports here or watch the livestream of the meeting here:

On the meetings page of our website you can also see what meetings are coming up, with agendas posted a few days before each meeting. The public is welcome to attend most meetings and they are also livestreamed.

21 Sep 2023