Parking in Porirua

We have plenty of parking in Porirua, with different options for short or long stays. Paid parking is back in the central city from 6 March, 2023.

Click here to pay or appeal a parking fine

Where to park

We have a range of parking options in Porirua. We've put in more free parking spaces, with time limits, so short visits are easy. There's no need for machines or apps - just park and go.

There are also a variety of paid parking options, from short stay to all day. Paid parking only applies Monday to Friday, between 8am and 5pm.

Check out the map below for where you can park, and all the different options.


Click to enlarge the map here.

Parking map with zone colours to accommodate colour blindness (colour vision deficiency) here.

How to pay for parking

You only need to pay for parking in areas that have a $ on the parking sign.

If you're parked in one of these spots, register your vehicle registration plate at the parking machine, or use the PayMyPark app - select how long you want to stay, then pay by cash or card.

If you need more info, all the nitty, gritty details are in the FAQs below.

Parking for events, the library or Pātaka

If you’re visiting Te Rauparaha Arena, the library or Pātaka, there are 220 free car parking spaces right outside the door. You can park here for free for up to 3 hours.

When big events are on, there may not be enough parks for everyone – so check out the other options on the map above. And remember, paid parking only applies on Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm, so for weekend events you can park for free.

Please don’t park in the private carparks of local businesses, as these are reserved for their customers and you may end up with a ticket.

Parking for Council visitors

If you’re visiting the Council on official business, you may use our car park in Blue Heron Lane, off Hagley Street opposite the Council Administration Building. 

Please give our Customer Services Centre your vehicle registration number when you arrive.

If you have questions about parking in Porirua City, phone our Customer Services Centre on phone (04) 237 5089.


  • Having paid parking in some parts of the city helps keep rates increases lower – without paid parking an extra one per cent would be added to the annual rates increase.
  • There’s never been “no cost” parking - you either pay for it through rates or rent. Now you only pay for what you use.
  • As we become more and more focused on tackling climate change, the ways we move around the city will change. Paid parking is a step towards that national policy direction.
  • It helps free up parks and keep things moving.

We appreciate how important it is for people to be able to access vital social services, so we’re working with those agencies to come up with bespoke parking solutions for their clients.

Payment options

1.    Enter the correct vehicle licence plate number and check that your vehicle licence plate number is correct. If you have entered a wrong licence plate number, select cancel and start again. If the licence plate number is correct, press 'OK'.

2.    Select your payment option - coins or card. If you are using coins to pay, enter coins until your desired parking time is shown on the screen and press 'OK'. If you are using a debit or a credit card to pay, select the time period by selecting “MORE” or “LESS” until your desired amount of parking time is reached. Then press 'OK'. The display will prompt you to either insert your card or present your card to the PayWave reader.

3.    The meter will ask if you want an eReceipt (electronic receipt). If you select “YES” it will display a 4-digit code and the web address ‘’ where you can download your eReceipt.

4.    Once your transaction is complete, the machine returns to the main screen. Please note that if this doesn’t happen, the transaction is not complete.

5.    If you want to check your parking time, you can re-enter your vehicle licence plate number at any Pay by Plate machine and it will display the remaining parking time.

Credit card or debit card

You can use your credit or debit card (50c transaction fee applies). Cards accepted are Visa, MasterCard and American Express credit cards, and Visa debit cards. All machines also have tap and go functionality.


New Zealand coins are accepted at the Pay by Plate parking meters. Please check the machine for details.

1.    Enter the correct vehicle licence plate number and check that your vehicle licence plate number is correct. If you have entered a wrong licence plate number, select cancel and start again. If the licence plate number is correct, press 'OK'.

2.    Select your payment option - coins or card. If you are using coins to pay, enter coins until your desired parking time is shown on the screen and press 'OK'. If you are using a debit or a credit card to pay, select the time period by selecting “MORE” or “LESS” until your desired amount of parking time is reached. Then press 'OK'. The display will prompt you to either insert your card or present your card to the PayWave reader.

3.    The meter will ask if you want an eReceipt (electronic receipt). If you select “YES” it will display a 4-digit code and the web address ‘’ where you can download your eReceipt.

4.    Once your transaction is complete, the machine returns to the main screen. Please note that if this doesn’t happen, the transaction is not complete.

5.    If you want to check your parking time, you can re-enter your vehicle licence plate number at any Pay by Plate machine and it will display the remaining parking time.

Using the machines

To pay for your parking, just enter your vehicle licence plate number and pay for the amount of time you want to park.

You will not receive a paper ticket and a ticket does not need to be displayed in your vehicle.

You are required to correctly enter your vehicle licence plate number. The machine will show the plate number you have entered and the time selected before you can finalise the transaction.

If the plate number is wrong select 'Cancel' and start again. Pay by Plate does not have the ability to look up the vehicle licence plate number you entered to check that you have entered a valid plate number.

If you enter the wrong licence plate number into the machine and press “OK” at the confirmation screen, the transaction cannot be reversed or credited at the Pay by Plate machine.

If you enter the wrong licence plate number, an infringement notice may be issued as your vehicle plate number will not show any payment on the system.

Pay by Plate machines do not issue a paper ticket and if you require a GST receipt for business or other purposes just follow the instructions on the screen which will appear after you make your payment.

Steps to get a receipt:

  1. When you complete your payment using a pay by plate machine, the machine will display a message asking if you want an eReceipt. Select “YES” if a receipt is required.
  2. A 4-digit receipt code will be shown on the screen together with a link to the My Receipt website. Make sure you record the reference number - an easy way to do this is to take a photo of it with your phone, or jot it down.
  3. Visit website and enter the 4-digit receipt code and the vehicle licence plate number.
  4. Choose to save/print the eReceipt.

If you are likely to use the system on a regular basis you can register your email address on the website.

eReceipt not found

If you have entered your 4-digit receipt code and licence plate number in to and then get the message “No transaction found”, it is possible that you have entered the incorrect licence plate number either in to or in to the machine at the time you paid.

Please check your licence plate number and try again.

Credit card

Please try another machine or use another form of payment, like cash or the app, and report card fault to the Council.

Only your plate information is stored and not you credit card information.

Download the free PayMyPark app from the App Store or Google Play..

If you don't have a smartphone, you can also pay for parking online by going to the PayMyPark website (

You can choose to pay per session as a casual user or set up an account. Casual users pay a fee on each transaction (50c), while account holders only pay when they transfer money to their PayMyPark account. Account holders can also use a start-stop function, which means they only pay for the time they've parked.

Businesses can set up one account for all staff members to use. 

Using the App

Yes, there is a credit card fee for a one off purchase. Same charge applies when making a purchase via the app.

Public holidays

It is FREE to park on weekends and public holidays.

Other parking areas

Parking is free in the carpark outside Te Rauparaha Arena for three hours to visit these facilities.

Council has no authority over any land that is private – businesses, mall owners (North City and MegaCentre) and retailers manage these spaces and will have their own restrictions in place.

In other parts of Porirua there are time limits for some parks, but no paid parking. Please check signage near where you park to find out time limits.


We provide specially marked spaces in public parking areas for people with disabilities who have a Mobility Parking permit. These wider parking spaces are close to services and shops. There is no charge, provided you display your permit.

In the mobility spaces you can stay twice as long as the sign posted time limit (in parking areas with limits of one hour or less), or one extra hour (in parking areas with limits longer than one hour). The extra time also applies in any free car parks around the city.

If you park in a paid parking area you will need to pay for your parking, unless you're parked in a mobility space.

No. Legally an officer has to see the vehicle in order to issue it for an infringement.

-          You only pay for the time you've parked – no need to guess how long you need to pay for parking.

-          You can receive an alert when your paid parking is about to expire and extend your time remotely (time restrictions still apply).

-          If you finish early, you can stop the parking time and get a refund to your account.

-          Businesses can simplify their parking costs with one account for all vehicles.

If you are parked in a paid parking area in Porirua:

  • By law, any vehicle parked in a paid parking area must have a valid parking session during the hours of operation.
  • A valid parking session is one where the vehicle licence plate number of the parked vehicle has been entered into a parking machine and payment has been processed.
  • Failure to have a valid parking session may result in an infringement notice being issued.
  • You are required to correctly enter the vehicle’s licence plate number. If you enter a wrong plate number an infringement notice may be issued.
  • Motorcyclists must have a valid parking session to be considered legally parked.
  • Payments made at parking machines are final, and Porirua City Council does not provide refunds for unused portions of parking sessions.

You can phone our Contact Centre any time on 04 237 5089 or email  [email protected]

Yes, our officers can issue infringements for vehicles that are not up to standard which can include:

$200 – expired registration

$200 – expired warrant of fitness

$600 – expired certificate of fitness

$150 – damaged tyre

$150 – smooth tyre