Travelling and parking in Porirua City

We have plenty of parking and public transport in Porirua City. Find out how you can get here and travel around the city on public transport and bike, or find out about parking your vehicle.

Travelling around Porirua

Porirua City is well serviced by local transport. You can get here by train and travel around the city by bus or taxi.

Trains: Metlink, phone 0800 801 700

Buses: Metlink, phone 0800 801 700

Taxis: Porirua Taxis, phone (04) 237 6099 or 0800 237 6099

Commuter bikes & cycle paths

Porirua City is working with the New Zealand Transport Agency to make our cycleways safer and more user-friendly with the multi-million dollar Urban Cycleways Programme. Find out more about commuting cycling here

Our cycle paths provide picturesque experiences – cruise alongside the harbour, pedal past paddocks, bike on tree-lined paths, or tour through town by Porirua stream. Find out more.

E-scooter ride share in Porirua

Porirua City has partnered with two e-scooter ride share scheme operators on a two-year trial period. Find out more about them here.

Finding a carpark or paying a parking fine

Looking for a parking space in Porirua, or need to pay parking fine? - find out more

Travelling beyond Porirua

Porirua is handy for Cook Strait ferries, intercity coach and rail services.  You can also hire vehicles and campervans.

Inter-island ferries: Interislander, Bluebridge

Buses: InterCity

Rail: KiwiRail Scenic Journeys

Vehicle rental: Piggypackers