Maintaining Berms

You'll find information on this page about how Porirua City maintains its berms with the support of residents.

A berm or verge is usually a grass area between the footpath and your property or business. It can also be the berm around the sides or back of your property.

Landowners are responsible for maintaining berms outside their properties.

If you're worried about an overgrown section - you'll find more information here

Take a look at our Tree and vegetation policy

Please note - under Porirua City bylaws it’s an offence to park on a grass berm.

Urban road reserve berms

Property owners generally maintain the road reserve berms around their property.  This is of mutual benefit to the resident and the Council, as it reduces the demand on rates and recognises the property owner is the primary beneficiary of a maintained berm. This is a common approach among many councils around New Zealand.

If a resident is unable to mow their berm, they may wish to employ a contractor at their own personal cost.

Residents who are physically incapable of mowing their lawn and the berm outside their property may be eligible for an allowance from Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) to assist with the cost of a contractor. Please contact WINZ for more information or take a look at the Work and Income website.

What road reserve vegetation does Council maintain?

Where a road reserve berm area is too dangerous for residents to safely mow Council may maintain it at a maximum frequency of twice a year.

Take a look at the Porirua City urban vegetation programme sites (pdf).

Council also manages the vegetation on all our road to road walkways, alongside our reserves and parks, and through our CBD.

No planting on road reserve berms

Road reserve berms should be kept free of vegetation to ensure safe use of the road and footpath for all users. If any road reserve planting is deemed to be a hazard, Council can require that it be trimmed or removed. This is for public safety reasons; to ensure clear sight lines and clearance from footpaths, roads, streetlights and drainage.

No spray/ no mow register

You can apply to be included on our No Spray and / or No Mow lists, which means the road reserve berm area alongside your property will not be weed sprayed and / or mowed by our contractors. Please contact our enquiries team to find out more.

Rural berms mowing

Rural berms are mowed at least two times a year. This will only be increased if the berm becomes a hazard, such as blocking sightlines.

Mowing is done two metres from the edge of the seal where possible.