Maintaining our stormwater network

We’re trialing a new approach to sharing information about Porirua's annual stormwater maintenance programme through a new GIS map. On this page you’ll find information about the stormwater maintenance we do in the Karehana Park and James Street catchments in Plimmerton.

We'd love your feedback

This new GIS map is a work in progress and we'll keep updating it.

We'd love your feedback on how useful it is and how we might improve it. Email your thoughts to [email protected]

If it is useful, we'll add the rest of the city’s stormwater network over time.

We started with the Plimmerton area because of the ongoing public interest following the flooding in November 2020.

Find out more about the Plimmerton Flood Response Project

View the new GIS map here

What do we maintain and how often?

The maintenance of Porirua’s stormwater network is delivered through a collaboration between the Council and Wellington Water, with agreed areas of responsibility.

Please note, some stormwater assets in our city are also managed by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Greater Wellington Regional Council and private property owners.

This GIS map only deals with assets managed by the Council and Wellington Water.

The purpose of this GIS map is to give you basic maintenance information regarding a specific asset or area of maintenance.

When you view the map you'll find the points of interest are indicated by the green icons (as illustrated in the screenshot below), which will take you to a report detailing the:

  • Asset Number
  • Asset description
  • Responsible agency
  • Maintenance type
  • Maintenance frequency
  • Inspection frequency
  • Level of service
  • Last maintained date
  • Last inspected date

Roads - Stormwater Maintenance GIS image

Take a look

View the the new GIS map here to find out details of our stormwater network maintenance programme for the Karehana Park and James Street catchments in Plimmerton.

Reporting a fault

You can report a fault at any time through our Antenno App or by ringing our enquiries team on 04 237 5089 or by emailing [email protected]. It would be helpful if you could provide the asset information provided on this website.