Wellington Water

Council recently heard from Wellington Water on the key issues facing our city with regard to the three waters: drinking water, wastewater (all the water that goes down our sinks and toilets) and stormwater (rain water that runs off our roofs and streets)

Key issues facing our city: drinking water, wastewater and stormwater

There are some big challenges ahead for the city. A lot of building took place here in the 1950s and 1960s. The pipes put in the ground then are starting to wear out.

That means more bursts and leaks. Leaking water pipes are often easy to see, but leaking wastewater pipes aren’t, and that can mean trouble for our streams and harbour.

Other things we need to think about are the growth we’re expecting – will we have enough water for all those new houses? And then there’s the climate change: heavy rains, higher tides; what is Wellington Water doing about that, and to help reduce carbon emissions?

To renew old pipes and put new ones in, and to improve te mana o te wai, will take a long time, and cost a lot of money. And not all of the problems are with council pipes – leaky residential pipes cause problems too.

You can see more detail about these challenges in the presentation from Wellington Water.

Wellington Water

Download the Document here

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Wellington Water Annual Report

2020 - 2021

We won’t be alone in saying this has been a year unlike any other. But as we reflect and look ahead, it is safe to say that it was both unprecedented, and, in many ways, somewhat predictable.

Download the annual report here

Wellington Water Annual Report


This report can be downloaded here

half yearly report, wellington water 2021

Wellington Water Half-Yearly Report

Half-Yearly Report sets out our progress against the goals Wellington Water set in Our water, our future Wellington Water’s 2021–24 Statement of Intent.

  • 1 July-31 Dec 2021: Download the report here
  • 1 July-31 Dec 2022: Download the report here
  • 1 July-31 Dec 2023: Download the report here

ww annual report, 2021 2022

Wellington Water Annual Report

2021 - 2022

This annual report highlights our progress against the goals that are set in Our water, our future (Statement of Intent for 2020-23) for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022.

Download the annual report here

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Wellington Water Statement of Intent

2023 - 2026

Statement of Intent outlines for our stakeholders what the company will work on, and how, in order to achieve the expectations of our six shareholding councils. It is renewed every three years, in line with council strategic and funding decisions made in their long-term plan processes.

Download the Statement of Intent here

Wellington Water Statement of Intent 2024-27 (1)

Weelington Water, statment of intent 2024-27

Wellington Water Statement of Intent

2024 - 2027

Welcome to our 2024-2027 Statement of Intent. This document outlines Wellington Water’s direction and priorities, the expectations of our shareholding councils, how we intend to meet those over the next three years, and how we intend to measure and report our performance.

Download the Statement of Intent here