Tamariki and rangatahi at the heart of our city

Children and young people are our future and are at the heart of our city.

Tamariki and Rangatahi at the heart of our city

As a Council, we have made a commitment to supporting tamariki and rangatahi – placing them ‘at the heart our city’. As a strategic priority this means ensuring our plans and our decisions help all our children to reach their potential. It also means providing a healthy and beautiful city in which to grow up.

On this page you will find:

  • Why our tamariki and rangatahi are important
  • Strategic Framework, Strategy ‘in a Nutshell’ and our Work Programme 2024 -2027
  • Status Reports
  • Young People’s Fund
  • Te Pahi Bus
  • Things for Tamariki and Rangatahi to do in Porirua
  • Youth Week
  • Careers Expo

Why is this important?

Tamariki and Rangatahi make up a large part of our population (nearly 35% aged under 25 years)

  • make up a large part of our population (nearly 35% aged under 25 years)
  • are big users of Council facilities, programmes and public spaces
  • are likely to have a different perspective from adults
  • don’t vote and therefore have limited influence
  • have to live with the legacy of our decisions on the shape and function of the city, and
  • will be our residents, our leaders and our workforce of the future

It is the Council’s view that there are long-term benefits for Porirua City if we take a strengths-based approach to promoting the wellbeing of our children and young people.

We believe that if we are more inclusive in our thinking, we will make better and more enduring decisions together that will benefit everyone. As one young person aptly put it:

“we are the community and we want to be part of making it a cool place to live”.

At the heart of our city

Our framework, strategy and action plan guides our work with tamariki and rangatahi. The framework has five focus areas that are important to young people and captures the work across Council which contributes to creating a thriving community where everyone can be safe and healthy – at home, work or play:

Children and young people are actively involved in the care and protection of the harbour and the environment, and enjoy living in clean and attractive neighbourhoods. 

Children and young people in Porirua grow up healthy, active, and safe. Public places promote health and well-being and strengthen connections for the well-being of young people. 

For example, in 2018 Council introduced a Healthy Drinks Policy to help make it easier for children and young people to make healthy choices at our events and facilities.  Changes in the Policy will be implemented over the next 12 months.

Children and young people are supported to achieve academic success at school, and to transition from formal education into a future they aspire to.  They participate in the life our city, broadening their experiences and expanding their horizons.

Children and young people feel supported by strong connections with families, each other, and the wider community.  They have places to go and things to do, and enjoy celebrating a variety of cultures in their everyday life. 

Children and young people are active participants in decision making processes and local projects to help shape the look and feel of our city.

Engagement sessions

During a series of engagement sessions with a broad range of our younger population we heard what is important to them.

To find out what is important to them and to learn more about the role of the council in responding to the needs of our younger population, check out the

  1. Tamariki and Rangatahi Strategy – in a nutshell
  2. For more detail about the actions Council has committed to for the next three years, take a look at the Tamariki and Rangatahi Strategy – 2024-2027 work programme
  3. For more in depth information about our Framework for tamariki and rangatahi, check out the full framework here


Status of children and young people in Porirua

People aged under 25 years make up about thirty five per cent of our population. We want them to feel proud of the city they live in and have opportunities to participate in city life.

As part of this work, we need to know how well tamariki and rangatahi are doing. The Status Report collates wellbeing indicators across a range of areas, including health, education, engagement, recreation, satisfaction with living in Porirua, housing and safety. Each Status Report includes comparisons with national averages and provides ethnic breakdowns when available.

The report is produced annually.

We use it to review the way we support our younger population and make changes if required. It provides us with an advocacy platform for issues outside our control. We also encourage others to use this information in their work with our younger citizens.

2022 Status of Children and Young People Report

Download the 2022 Status of children and young people in Porirua here

To review reports between 2017 to 2020 please click the link above.

Children and young people report 2022 cover page

Young Peoples Fund

We've created several funds for children and young people to apply for, so they can achieve their goals. Check out our funding page for more information.

Young People's Fund

We support young people in our city through grants and funding programmes. But it’s not just about money – we want to support our rangatahi and tamariki as they take on challenges and learn new skills.

Other opportunities for young people

Te Pahi, Community school bus

Te Pahi – Porirua City’s Community School Bus is a free service that transports students from low decile schools to educational and sporting activities within Porirua and the wider Wellington region.

Things for Tamariki and Rangatahi to do

We have something for everyone here – art, events, great coffee and kai, beaches, walks and tramps, mountain bike trails, sailing, fishing, music, study, and shopping.

Youth Week in Porirua 2024

Youth Week is a nationwide festival of events organised to celebrate the talents and success of local young people.

Porirua Careers Expo

Explore your career opportunities! The expo is open to students from Porirua and the wider Wellington region, and those who have already left school and want to be inspired to find a new career.

Hands-on Council work experience for Porirua rangatahi

Rangatahi from local colleges are getting a taste of working at Council.

Let’s Play!

Play allows people to experience fun, joy and laughter in a way that’s important to them.