Aotea rangatahi youth space

Aotea rangatahi youth space

Rangatahi told us they want their space to be modern and active with equipment and seating to encourage social interaction. Once completed this space will be the first of its kind in Porirua, a place designed by rangatahi, for rangatahi.

A new space for our teenagers

In Porirua our rangatahi are an important part of our community. They are the future of our city and we think it's vital they feel both valued and engaged. We are therefore looking at an exciting new development, the Aotea Youth Space, at the corner of Aotea Drive and Queen Charlotte Drive,  to provide a dedicated area for teenagers to play in and have fun

This new park is funded through development contributions Council receives as a result of subdivision work in Aotea, to develop new reserves where houses are being built.  We also identified there was a gap in our play space network for rangatahi so we are using this opportunity to complete that network.

Playspace, Aotea Rangatahi

We want to make sure this space is something that our young people want to use, that it looks and feels right and caters to their needs. 

We met with our rangatahi and they told us they want something high to climb, a big slide, a basket swing and other play equipment that groups could play on together as well as socially interactive seating areas and gardens with some colour that offset all the green and would make a good selfie background

The design also includes trees for shade and shelter and a drinking fountain.

Rangatahi told us they want their space to be modern and active with equipment and seating to encourage social interaction.

Consultation closed Monday 17 June 2019. 

Please let us know your thoughts by emailing us at [email protected] 

or phone 04 237 5089

The final design will then be worked through with the rangatahi reference group, taking into consideration community feedback.

Together Porirua City and local rangatahi/youth have designed a new outdoor space for local teens, coming to Aotea in 2019.

Aotea Ragatahi Play Space - design concept

Aotea Rangatahi