Consultation status: Closed 17 November 2021
On 5 August 2021 the Council agreed to issue the NOR for the Central City Wastewater Retention Tank. The NOR will establish a designation that will provide for the construction, maintenance and operation of a 7,000 cubic metre wastewater retention tank at 1 Station Road, Porirua. The retention tank will reduce the number and volume of wastewater overflows into the environment.
A recommendation report was prepared following public notification and receipt of submissions. Independent Commissioner Mark Ashby was appointed to review the recommendation report. Mr Ashby considered the recommendation report along with all evidence and submissions received, and made a recommendation to Council. On Thursday 24 February 2022 the Council agreed to confirm the designation for the CBD Wastewater Retention Tank.
Council meeting minutes including the minutes of this meeting can be found here.
Please refer to 24 February 2022 meeting.
Appeals period:
The decision was notified to submitters and affected landowners on 10 March 2022. Appeals from those parties can be lodged with the Environment Court by 31 March 2022.
Further information on the appeal process and the Environment Court Forms and Fees can be found at
Resource Management Act 1991
Notification of notice of requirement for designation under Section 168A(1A)
Requiring authority: Porirua City Council
Council reference: RC8393 - DN0013/21
The notice of requirement has been issued to designate an area adjacent to State Highway 1 at 1 Station Road to provide for a public work, being the construction, operation and maintenance of a 7,000m³ wastewater retention tank. The retention tank is required to reduce the number and volume of wastewater overflows into Te Awarua-o-Porirua.
The key aspects of the land use component of the proposal include:
A designation enables activities to be carried out by the requiring authority for the purpose of the designation, without requiring resource consent under section 9(3) of the RMA.
The notice of requirement may be inspected at the Porirua City Council, Administration Building, Customer Service Centre (ground floor), Cobham Court, Porirua, between the hours of 9am and 5pm, or on the Porirua City Council website – Please contact Ellen Seumanufagai on 04 237 1494 if you have any questions about the notice of requirement.
Public Notice [pdf, 395KB]
Notification decision report [pdf, 1MB]
Appendix B: Minutes of Council meeting approving the issue of the notice of requirement [pdf, 575KB]
Appendix C: Expert review reports
Appendix D: Request for further information under section 92(1) [pdf, 557KB]
Appendix E: Applicant’s response to request for further information
Porirua Wastewater Retention Tank Notice of Requirement for Porirua City Council [pdf, 4MB]
Form 20 [pdf, 812KB]
Appendix A: NESCS Application Form (* Please note that the resource consent required under the Resource Management (National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health) Regulations 2011 was considered separately and granted on 30 August 2021)
Appendix B: Records of Title [pdf, 2MB]
Appendix C: Alternative Assessment Pack [pdf, 2MB]
Appendix D: Wastewater Modelling Memorandum [pdf, 930KB]
Appendix E: Detailed Objectives and Policies Assessment [pdf, 437KB]
Appendix F: Ecological Impact Assessment
Appendix G: Construction Traffic Impact Assessment [pdf, 5MB]
Appendix H: Landscape, Visual and Natural Character Assessment [pdf, 4MB]
Appendix I: Landscape Concept Plan and Graphical Attachments [pdf, 18MB]
Appendix J: Flooding, Scour, Modelling and Groundwater Assessment [pdf, 6MB]
Appendix K: Vibration Impact Assessment [pdf, 5MB]
Appendix L: Porirua Wastewater Storage Tank Detailed Site Investigation (Contamination) [pdf, 14MB]
Appendix M: Draft Erosion and Sediment Control Plan [pdf, 2MB]
Appendix O: Drawings Pack (updated for s92 response)
Appendix P: Designation Conditions [pdf, 888KB]