Ngā rongo kōrero | News

We know how important it is to keep in touch. We publish news in lots of different ways. These are our official media releases and other news updates.

news - dash swim school at ngati toa school

Funding boost helps keep Porirua kids safe in the water

A funding boost has been given to Porirua City’s swim school which will see more children than ever taught vital water safety skills.

21 Sep 2017
News - Harbour-sun reflection

Harbour report and plan shows a strategic approach

Completion of a new dune and wetland system to provide additional habitat for birdlife was a highlight in the Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour and Catchment Joint Committee’s annual report.

15 Sep 2017

TEDx back at Pātaka with ideas worth spreading

Penguins, pay gaps and posture will be hot topics for 100 lucky TEDxWellingtonSalon ticket holders at Pātaka early next month. It’s the second time that TEDx has come to Porirua, with last year’s offering a sell-out success.

13 Sep 2017

New Zealand’s first PopUp Business School comes to Porirua

People wanting to start a business can get help when PopUp Business School comes to Porirua – the course will give you tools, confidence and knowledge to get your business up and running – and there are limited FREE places available.

12 Sep 2017
News - Porirua's first bilingual sign

Āta haere! Porirua’s first bilingual sign slows traffic

The kids of Takapūwāhia have one message for motorists - āta haere (slow down). Their message adorns new traffic signs that have gone up in the village - the first bilingual road signs in Porirua.

10 Sep 2017
News - Adopt-a-spot - Titahi Bay mural

New Titahi Bay beauty spot unveiled

A stunning mural on an electrical substation in Titahi Bay was unveiled this morning by Porirua City Council and the Titahi Bay Horticultural Society.

8 Sep 2017