Ngā rongo kōrero | News

We know how important it is to keep in touch. We publish news in lots of different ways. These are our official media releases and other news updates.

Parking in our city centre

Understanding parking in our city

We are doing some research on District Plan car parking requirements and a survey to look at how car parking is used in the city centre.

20 Jul 2018
Representation review

Deadline nearing to have your say on representation review

There are just over two weeks left for you to have your say on how you want to be represented.

18 Jul 2018
news - emergency services funding

Porirua funds emergency services

Emergency Services and Victim Support are on track to receive grants to the value of more than $48,000 from Porirua City Council.

11 Jul 2018
Albatross Close

Council gives green light to Albatross Close slip repair work

Porirua Mayor Mike Tana says the Council has agreed to fund slip repairs for Albatross Close.

6 Jul 2018
news - kahikatea ecology landscapes

Protecting our precious ecology

A 900-year-old kahikatea tree in Pauatahanui is one of the significant natural areas to be protected under a new framework.

4 Jul 2018
JOBfest 2018

JOBfest a win-win for young people and employers

Porirua’s JOBfest next month will bring together employers looking to recruit and local students and job seekers keen to enter the workforce.

4 Jul 2018