Ngā rongo kōrero | News

We know how important it is to keep in touch. We publish news in lots of different ways. These are our official media releases and other news updates.

City Projects - Peace memorial upgrade

New focus for Anzac Day civic ceremony in Porirua

Our Peace Memorial at Te Rauparaha Park has been upgraded.

16 Apr 2018
news - body cameras for parking wardens

Body cameras to help keep staff safe

Porirua City’s parking wardens and animal control officers will now wear body cameras for extra security.

13 Apr 2018
news - Te Ara Utiwai opening

New track on Rangituhi one of New Zealand's best

A new walking and cycling track showcasing the very best of Porirua’s bush and scenery.

27 Mar 2018
Planting in Waitangirua.

Shine a spotlight on local heroes

We want to celebrate people who’ve done great things for Porirua city and are calling on you to nominate local heroes.

23 Mar 2018
News - LTP consultation document

Porirua City’s Long-term Plan released for community feedback

Porirua City’s Long-term Plan consultation document will be released tomorrow

22 Mar 2018
news - speed limit changes

Safer speeds proposed for rural roads

Porirua City will seek feedback from residents on whether to lower speed limits on some rural roads

20 Mar 2018