Property Information Requests (PIRs)

You can use this service to request a Property Information Request or PIR for a specific residential or commercial property.

What is a Property Information Request?

A Property Information Request or PIR is a collation of information relating to a property in Porirua. A PIR may include residential or commercial property records that are held by Porirua City Council (if available), in the form of building consents, permits, floor and drainage plans and/or building specifications.

Please note: a PIR does not replace a LIM (or Land Information Memorandum) report. If you are considering purchasing a property, we highly recommend obtaining a LIM report, as it provides other additional information.

On this page you will find:

How long does a PIR take to process?

It will take up to 20 working days to receive your PIR.

No action will be taken on your application until payment has been receipted by Porirua City Council and matched to your application.

Once your payment has been matched to your application, your property information will be emailed to you within 20 working days.

PIR fees

All fees stated are GST inclusive and are effective from 2024. Porirua Council reserves the right to review any fees and charges at any time. Please check with Council for any updates. Requests are non-refundable.

Property Information Request service Fee
Residential $72.00
Commercial $120.00**

PIR fees are valid to 1 August 2025.

How can I pay for a PIR?

You can pay for a PIR

  • online by internet banking
  • in person by cash or EFTPOS at our Customer Service Centre at 16 Cobham Court, Porirua.

Credit card payments are not available.

Porirua City Council

Westpac Porirua

03 0547 0240008 01

You must provide the following internet banking information:

Particulars: property address of PIR (11 characters, no spaces)
Code: the ref ID code you received in the confirmation email or property address of PIR
Reference: your contact phone number with no spaces

If you are prompted by your bank to select from a list of Porirua City Council accounts, choose Consents & Licences.

If you need to cancel a request, you can:

Subject: Request to cancel PIR
Name of applicant
Property address
PIR requests are non-refundable.

What information is in a PIR?

The information provided for a requested property (if applicable) may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • building permits and associated plans
  • building consents
      • approved plans and specifications
      • as-laid/as-built plans
      • code compliance certificates
  • latest swimming pool inspection
  • latest compliance schedule
  • subdivision and land use resource consent decision reports, including conditions
  • resource consent approved plans
  • building warrants of fitness (BWOF) and compliance schedule


The information supplied in a PIR represents information held by Porirua City Council and, where supplied to Council, by a third party it may not have been independently verified.

Council does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and shall not be held liable whatsoever for any error, inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information provided, whether supplied by a third party or otherwise. In the event that Council is held liable, liability shall be restricted to the cost of obtaining the Property File Report, if any.

The applicant should not rely on any information without personally seeking appropriate independent and professional advice.

The information provided in this report does not constitute a Land Information Memorandum (LIM) or any similar document. Council highly recommends individuals who are considering purchasing a property obtain a LIM report, as this provides additional information on the property.

Apply for a PIR online


Recommended pages:

You can view property records at our office.