Ngā rongo kōrero | News

We know how important it is to keep in touch. We publish news in lots of different ways. These are our official media releases and other news updates.

hero image - baby on slide at playground

Council considers feedback on Porirua’s Annual Plan

The Council agreed an average rate increase of 4.5% and this, along with the other decisions agreed yesterday, will go into the final Annual Plan 2017-18 for adoption on 28 June 2017.

9 Jun 2017

Residents to have their say on how Porirua dogs are managed

The rules around how we manage Porirua dogs are being reviewed and we’re asking residents what they think of the proposed changes.

1 Jun 2017
News - Only rain down our drains

Only rain down our drains

The Drains to Harbour project is a joint initiative by Porirua City Council, Te Rūnanga O Toa Rangātira and Wellington Water – aims to progressively label all street drains in Aotea, and eventually the whole city.

30 May 2017
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And the Oscar goes to … John Gilbert

We celebrated Porirua style with Oscar winner John Gilbert on Friday (2 June) at Pātaka.

30 May 2017
News - bowl of cereal on newspaper

Porirua well "liked"

When it comes to engaging with our people in the digital age Porirua is blazing ahead with our Facebook page one of the most followed local government pages in New Zealand.

25 May 2017

Make sure your dog’s up to scratch

All dogs aged over three months must be registered and reminder letters are going out to all dog owners in June.

16 May 2017