On this page you'll find information about the following maintenance programmes:
Porirua City maintains around 270 km of roading network through an annual resurfacing programme and on-going maintenance.
Take a look at this year's resealing programme
We do our best to keep potholes to a minimum on our roads, but they keep on coming, especially in rainy weather.
Click here for more info about how we manage potholes.
Our programme of footpath repairs is focused on dealing with the most serious safety issues and trip hazards first.
The work programme is based on an assessment of all city footpaths (conducted in 2020 and due again in 2024), which rated all footpath faults found.
The work we do is also guided by ongoing inspection work by our maintenance contractor, and by resident requests.
The aim of this approach is to target available funding to address the most serious footpath faults first.
If you are concerned about a footpath fault, please let us know. (See Please Fix It below)
Street sweeping
We run an annual programme of street sweeping, to keep roadside channels clear of debris. It is based on a road's hierarchy (i.e. whether it is a major transport corridor or quiet side street), so some roads are swept monthly and bi-monthly while others are swept quarterly (as required).
Sump cleaning
Sump cleaning is carried out by our maintenance contractor Downer using a purpose built sucker truck.
The aim of the programme is to clean all city sumps once a year.
Known hot spots are given an extra check and clean as required, prior to any weather events.
Please note, a bit of debris on top of a sump does not stop it working, and this will happen between cleans.
We carry out a weed spraying programme across the city twice a year to target weeds on our roads, footpaths and street to street walkways
In urban areas, we spray roadside edges and all street to street walkways.
In rural areas, we spray roadside edges.
We also spray to control lichen on our roads.
The chemical used is glyphosate 510 commonly known as Round-Up, which is diluted to 70ml per litre of water.
Read more about glyphosate 510 on the Environmental Protection Agencies website
When we spray in our walkways, static caution signs are used to advised users that hand spraying is underway.
During roadside spraying, mobile signage is attached to spray vehicles.
If you have an area you want added to the no spray register, let us know.
A berm or verge is usually a grass area between the road and your property or business. In most parts of Porirua City, we encourage the property owner or resident to maintain the berm outside their property. Council does maintain some berm areas in the city, such as reserves, the city centre and playgrounds.
If you have an area you want added to the no mow register, let us know.
Whether its one street light or a whole row of them, we can help organise a repair.
Help us keep our streets and roads safe. If you see a pothole, damage or hazards on a road, whether it is in your area or another part of the city, report it to us and we’ll take care of it.
There are a number of ways to report something that needs fixing:
Our road network covers around 270 kilometres of sealed roads, more than 40 bridges and footbridges, around 430 kilometres of kerb and channel, about four kilometres of culverts, around 7930 traffic signs, four sets of traffic signals and numerous car parking lots.
We monitor all construction and repair works on the city’s roads by other council's, utilities companies, contractors and the public. The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) manages State Highway 1 running north-south through the middle of the city and State Highway 58, which runs east-west and connects State Highway 1 with the Hutt Valley.
Find out more about improvements we're making to our Transport network