Despite our best intentions to minimise waste, the amount going to Spicer Landfill is still increasing. We need to divert or recover what we can first, so please make use of the residential bulk recycling station and resource recovery shop (Trash Palace) at Spicer Landfill.
On this page you will find:
Spicer Landill | |
Open | every day (except Christmas Day) |
Closed | Christmas Day |
Monday - Saturday | 7am to 5pm. Last trailer accepted at 4.45pm |
Sundays & Public Holidays | 9am to 5pm. Last trailer accepted at 4.45pm |
Address | Broken Hill Rd, Porirua |
Bulk recycling station | 8.30am to 5pm |
We’re starting construction of the next refuse disposal cell at Spicer Landfill on Thursday, 14 November 2024.
During construction, these changes will be in place:
The landfill will remain open during normal operating hours. There is no change to the way you access the tipping area, or the exit route.
The construction will continue until mid-2026. During this time there may be further changes and minor disruption which will be communicated. Please pay attention to speed restrictions, safety signs, and instructions from landfill staff.
You can reduce the fees you pay at the landfill by separating out recyclable and reusable items first and bringing your green waste separately.
Charges are from 1 July 2024 and include GST.
General waste is material that cannot be reused or recycled and is not included under the other waste categories below.
General waste | Price | Per unit |
Car | $38.00 | Per vehicle |
Van, Utility, Large station wagon | $79.00 | Per vehicle |
Small flat deck vehicle (vehicles with a flat deck on a LWB van type chassis, or where the waste is higher than 1.0m) |
$100.00 | Per vehicle |
Small trailer* (maximum refuse dimensions 2.4m long, 1.2m wide, 1.0m high) |
$79.00 | Per trailer |
Medium trailer* (maximum refuse dimensions 3m long, 1.5m wide, 1.0m high) |
$100.00 | Per trailer |
Car, van or utility (loaded) and trailer* | Price is the sum of the applicable charges above | |
Commercial vehicles (incl. large trailers*) + Minimum charge: $129.87 |
$259.74 | Per tonne |
* Note the tipping feature on trailers is not able to be used at Spicer Landfill for safety reasons.
* Note the tipping feature on trailers is not able to be used at Spicer Landfill for safety reasons.
Green waste is compostable garden waste or trimmings, including lawn clippings, shrubs, tree trimmings, branches, weeds and old plants.
Green waste does not include flax, cabbage tree leaves, tree stumps, soil, rubbish, or food waste.
Green waste | Price | Per unit |
Car | $14.00 | Per vehicle |
Van, utility, station wagon, small trailer | $28.50 | Per vehicle or trailer |
Small flat deck, medium trailer | $37.50 | Per vehicle or trailer |
Commercial vehicles (incl large trailers) *Minimum charge: $67.83 |
$135.66 | Per tonne |
Special waste includes hazardous waste types and items that are difficult to dispose of. If you have hazardous waste to dispose of you will need to complete a hazardous waste or asbestos disposal application form. Find out how to do that here.
Special waste | Price | Per unit |
Special waste (eg asbestos, animal carcasses) (Pre-arranged delivery only ) *Minimum charge $199.08 |
$398.16 | Per tonne |
Sewage sludge and screenings Minimum charge *$175.33 |
$350.65 | Per tonne |
Polystyrene Loads with more than 5% polystyrene by volume *Minimum charge $129.87 |
$5,882.73 | Per tonne |
Fridge, freezer In addition to the tonnage or vehicle rate |
$43.50 | Per fridge |
Gas bottles In addition to the tonnage or vehicle rate |
$3.50 | Per bottle |
Used oil - less than 10 litres No vehicle charge if only tipping oil |
Free | |
Used oil - from 10 to 40 litres Charged per litre, plus vehicle charge |
$3.50 | Per litre |
Clean fill is waste material that is free from any contamination and includes clay, rock, uncontaminated soil, and some building materials such as concrete, gravel and sand that’s not harmful to people or the environment.
Clean fill | Price | Per unit |
Clean fill *Minimum charge $119.14 |
$238.28 | Per tonne |
Clean fill - special rates by prior approval only. Contact Spicer Landfill on 027 488 1804 to enquire. |
Any type of vehicle or motorbike tyres.
Item | Price | Per Unit |
Tyres – public only ((car, motorbike or truck) * Conditions apply: Up to 5 at any one time, no rims Tyres must be clean No commercial drop off allowed |
FREE* | |
Tyres on rim | $6.00 | Per tyre |
Vehicle weigh only |
$26.50 | Per weighing |
For more information on the types of waste we can take at Spicer Landfill click here.
Bulk recycling is open from 8.30am to 5pm
You can bring your extra household recyclables to our recycling station at Spicer Landfill where we have a recycling ambassador who is there to help you with your recycling and ensure that the bins are used correctly. We accept the following items from residential customers only:
Note - The recycling station is open from 8.30am to 5pm
Household goods
Drop off your pre-loved household items such as clothing, linen, toys and working small appliances at Trash Palace, our resource recovery shop at Spicer Landfill.
Other ways to recycle
For more ideas on how you can reduce, reuse, and recycle head to our Other ways to recycle page.
From the 1950s the population of Porirua began to grow. In 1954, Porirua Borough Council opened Sievers Grove Landfill in Porirua East. General household refuse and commercial/industrial waste is known to have been deposited there.
In 1973, with Sievers Grove Landfill nearing the end of its life, Porirua City Council proposed a number of sites for a new landfill. The final recommendation was to build a new landfill in Spicer Valley near the head of the Mitchell Stream. Sievers Grove Landfill closed in 1976 and is still currently owned and maintained by Porirua City Council.
The current Spicer Landfill was opened in 1976 and in 1994 consent applications were made to Greater Wellington Regional Council to allow the landfill to continue to operate, these were duly granted. These are the consents which the landfill currently operates under, and which are due to expire in 2030.
The landfill also has a Council designation K1052: "Refuse Disposal Landfill including Landfill, Recycling, Refuse Transfer Station and Resource Recovery” allowing landfilling and similar activities.
Porirua and Wellington city councils have joint financial interest in the landfill, but the management and operation of the landfill is the responsibility of Porirua. Oversight is provided by a Joint Venture Committee with membership from both councils.
The landfill has always been designed to be developed in a tiered way over different phases. Once each phase has been filled up then it is closed off and then a new phase opens generally over top of the previous phases. Once a phase has reached its maximum capacity the cell is closed off with a cap placed over it. The closed cells continue to emit gas which is collected and emitted through a gas flare.
Stage 1 is the 1976 old unlined landfill which is now closed off and not accepting any more waste. The northern half of this old landfill has a final cap over it whilst Stage 2 has been built on top of the upper half of Stage 1.
Stage 2 as mentioned above has been constructed over the southern part of Stage 1 with a liner and a leachate collection. The first phase of the Stage 2 development is also now closed and has had an intermediate cap placed over it.
The second phase of the Stage 2 development is currently being used for filling purposes and based on current filling rates will be full by 2026/2027. This phase has also been constructed with a liner and a leachate collection.
Stage 3 is the stage which will allow for additional capacity. Stage 3 will require a new suite of consents to be applied for.
In 2007/8, Porirua City Council agreed on a staged upgrade of Spicer Landfill to increase its capacity and improve environmental performance.
During 2008/9 significant investment was made to improve environmental performance, including better leachate and stormwater controls and to reduce the effect of greenhouse gas emissions. A relocation of a weighbridge and roadway improvements were also implemented.
During 2008/09 sixteen gas wells were installed at the landfill. The gas wells are interconnected by pipework to a flare that burns the landfill gas to reduce the effect of greenhouse gas emissions from the landfill. As of July 2017, there are 24 vertical gas wells, and a number of horizontal laterals and connections extracting gas from the underground leachate drains.
The stormwater system received a major upgrade in 2014/16 which separated clean water from silty water. The silty water is treated by the existing sedimentation pond and clean water is discharged direct to the stream.
Spicer Landfill is located near the head of Mitchell Stream in Spicer Valley. It is shielded visually from nearby residential areas by the containing sides of the valley.
Access to Spicer Landfill is via Broken Hill Road, to the northeast, through an area of industrial development and is the only road access to the landfill.
The site also hosts the landfill operator’s offices, a resource recovery hub and a bulk recycling facility which are discussed below.
In 2002 Council established Trash Palace to provide residents with an alternative to landfilling unwanted household goods and to increase the diversion from the landfill of materials that are reusable or recyclable. Trash Palace became one of the first purpose-designed resource recovery facilities in New Zealand built with the support of a local authority. Further development has occurred over the years with a major redevelopment undertaken in 2010.
Trash Palace is operated by Metallic Sweeping (1998) Ltd. Activities also include the recovery of metal and plastic from household goods (e.g. whiteware and electronics) that cannot be reused.
The Council provides the operator free use of the buildings and maintains the building's exterior. In return Trash Palace diverts waste from landfill and returns a small proportion of its turnover to Council.
The bulk recycling facility was opened at Spicer Landfill following the closure of a number of bulk recycling facilities distributed throughout the city due to ongoing vandalism and misuse. This is the only one of its type operated by the Council.
Bins for plastics, paper and cardboard, cans, and glass are provided as part of the operational contract with the Council for both kerbside collections and the bulk recycling facility. A Tetra Pak recycling drop-off was added in 2022.
The landfill currently operates under four resource consents issued by Greater Wellington Council (GWRC). The resource consents expire at the end of June 2030.
For more information on what each resource consent covers and how they are managed visit our Managing Spicer Landfill page.