Further Submissions on Variation 1 and Plan Change 19

Further submissions

We had a great response to our call for submissions with 118 submissions received between 11 August and 12 September 2022. We recently called for further submissions (see official public notice).

This was not a call for new submission points, but an opportunity to support, oppose or comment on someone else’s submission.

Viewing the Summary of Decisions Requested

To assist in reading submissions and to assist those who wanted to make a further submission, we created Summary of Decisions Requested reports.

These reports list the main points made by each submitter, including their reasons and what outcome they seek from the Hearing Panel’s decisions.

Significant requests for changes to zoning

A number of submissions have requested significant changes to the Proposed District Plan. In particular, there are two submissions that have requested changes that could affect a large number of properties in the City.

View this online map to see where Kāinga Ora has requested changes to zoning.

Te Runanga o Toa Rangatira has requested a number of properties be rezoned as ‘Ngāti Toa Zone’ which they define as 'a zone where Ngāti Toa has uninhibited Tino Rangatiratanga and Mana as the Tangata Whenua.'

View this map to see where Te Runanga o Toa Rangatira has requested changes to zoning.

Further submissions - frequently asked questions

The District Plan is the rulebook for how land can be used. It applies to every property and provides the blueprint for how Porirua will grow. It also sets out how we will look after the things in our city that we value.

A further submission is made either in support of, or opposition to, another person’s submission. They must be limited to the matters that were raised in submissions. It gives you the chance to consider the impact an original submission may have on you, and to have your views considered alongside the original submission.

To make a further submission you must have an interest that is greater than that of the general public, or represents a relevant aspect of the public interest. Some submissions we’ve received are requesting substantial changes to the Proposed District Plan. For example, some are asking that we allow much taller buildings in residential areas, and re-zoning of residential areas to high density.  This is your opportunity to voice your support or opposition to any submission you believe may affect you.

We have summarised submissions into two reports to make it easier for you to find and search for submissions that may affect you. The reports and the original submissions can be viewed below on this webpage.

These are arranged into two reports 'by submitter' and 'by topic/chapter':

The reports are in table format and contain a summary of the ‘decisions requested’ along with relevant commentary. Each decision requested has a unique submission point number, and states whether it supports, opposes or seeks amendment to a particular provision. In some cases, the decision requested is not specified.

You’ll see that some decisions requested include text with underlining. This means that a submitter is seeking additional or amended wording in the Proposed District Plan. Other text is shown with a line through it. This is where the submitter is seeking that wording be deleted.

Some submitters have sought a change to the zoning of land, and we’ve identified these in the summary reports under ‘Planning Maps’ and ‘Rezoning’. These decisions requested can affect multiple properties.

Decisions requested may also relate to rules that apply across the city that may affect your property e.g. a rule about the height of buildings in the Medium Density Residential Zone.